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Innocence and bliss
Play pretend on my grandfather’s porch.
They bring laughter and joy with them
And never invite fear or worry.

I hesitate to return,
For fear that I shall never leave
Because as my childhood memories grow and expand
My fondness soon turns to envy

For I can remember a time,
A time when the world was mine.
Where everyone cheered for me
And rejoiced when I found glee

A time when Mondays meant new beginnings,
Not tardies and regrets.
When books led to happy endings,
Instead of essays and frets.

But as I set my sights ahead
It seems that some wise words are never dead
“For all children grow up, except one”
And I’m far from done.

As a wound heals and scars
So should I
Never to forget my childhood
But to simply move on.
 Sep 2012 Tumelo Mogotsi
A borrowed attire
A ***** curly fro
A slant set of shoulders
A "lawn" that is mowed
Soft caramel skin
Four new tattoos
Old holes from piercings
No longer in use.
A taller frame
And a nice juicy ****
******* to match
But a small little gut
A refurbished heart
A genuine smile
A great listener
Keeps old things on file
A charming stare
But not much to say
She'll sneak in your heart
In a phenomenal way
Ready for anything
When put to the test
Yes, she has her flaws
But she's close to the best.
Gentle lady, do not sing
Sad songs about the end of love;
Lay aside sadness and sing
How love that passes is enough.

Sing about the long deep sleep
Of lovers that are dead, and how
In the grave all love shall sleep:
Love is aweary now.
I was afraid to say hi so you did it for me
I was afraid to walk by so you passed before me
It's like you're reading my mind and know it's ins outs and design
So I give up I resign...
Who are you
You so boldly state you claim
Now I have to know your name
But you told me ...
Can't let you get away
But I won't hunt you like a prey
And I'm no predator to begin with
You're not a prey but the prize
I pray I will open my eyes
To your smile that shines like a sunrise
Heaven knows I can't wait for the time to come
When the sun will fall down and you will be standing in a gown
With those dimples I want to drown in
Because they are the reason for this upside down frown
I was afraid to say hi because my body couldn't retain
My mouth started shining, my heart started jumping, like really got thumping
My lungs grabbed some air and said this could not compare to anything and life is not fair unless they can breathe in from there even if it's just from your hair
My body has not been the same since I met you
My heart won't stop jumping
My chest hurts from thumping
My lungs deny the poor quality of air that they get when not around you
My eyes get bigger even at a glimpse of you
My mouth has crafted a smile that only you will be familiar with  
So now I am convinced when you said hi you left some paw prints in my ear
And I haven't been the same since ...

— The End —