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Tinker Bell Feb 2017
A little phrase of love and support from a stranger,
suddenly sweetens everything
like warm honey that trickles on toast.
A word or two of empathy
like sugar cubes and
a hug that feels like summer.
"Human beings are like that. We want to live by each other’s happiness - not by each other’s misery." -Charlie Chaplin
Tinker Bell Jun 2016
A blank notebook stares at me,
Crisp pages, neat edges and lines
A pencil sharpened until the tip ******,
placed by the side.

I carefully carve slanted letters,
bundle them into words, into sentences..
and gradually,
I switch to sketches and doodles;
weird shapes,
mindlessly drawn (mostly spirals)..
Dragging the pencil to and fro
until it becomes blunt and curved.

Pens are convenient
but pencils are better.
You can always erase the mistakes,
though they leave scars and marks.

How long I sit there, I don't know.

I go to sleep,
and an abandoned notebook,
buried under tomes,
sits quietly on the desk,
telling the stories I've written.
  Jun 2016 Tinker Bell
Valsa George
We are the chosen pair
of an eternal waltz
to sing and dance
in timeless rhythm
blend in
indivisible togetherness!

Though our feet are not laid
on carpeted floor
and no cheering crowd
to applaud the show,
we keep waltzing
in fervent zeal !
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