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J Hanover Jan 2020
All the genocide, stains the star red
The psychotic, leading the ignorant and blind
Paradise ruined, by the stench of the dead

Not in the direction promised, they've led
Resistance, would put them in a bind
All the genocide, stains the star red

Towards misery and destruction they've sped
Delusions of grandeur in the arrogant mind
Paradise ruined, by the stench of the dead

Those who know better are filled with dread
As those who resist disappear in kind
All the genocide, stains the star red

The atrocities, never once what they said
As the insulated cheered them on and whined
Paradise ruined, by the stench of the dead

When the refugees see how the monsters have fled
Food and safety will be hard to find
All the genocide, stains the star red
Paradise ruined, by the stench of the dead.
Socialism is the worst plague inflicted on humanity ever. Not one free country on the planet is Socialist.
J Hanover Jan 2020
How I wish more would awaken
To see the horror
Some will excuse
To avoid the hard truth
Of what's in store
When the sheep are mistaken

( chorus )
All the genocide, stains the star red
Paradise ruined, by the stench of the dead

Fancy colors or traditional brown
Black shirts accepted as well
Horrible the cost
When freedoms are lost
Your land is a living Hell
Only suffering and misery will be found

( chorus )
All the genocide, stains the star red
Paradise ruined, by the stench of the dead
Socialism is the fundamental evil that destroys all that it touches. Whether it is Soviet, Nationalized, Chavisto or any garbage wrapping in buzz words. WTFU!
J Hanover Dec 2019
Crack pipe blues

Socialism still fails

Every time.
Socialism is the absolute worst evil ever inflicted on the Earth. Soviet 1917-1989, Nationalized 1932-1945, currently in Venezuela. The body count is way too high. Communism less subtle just as ******.

— The End —