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It was you i had sworn to love,
you that i forever cared for,
thinking of you brought a smile on my face.
It was you that i had forever thought you'd be my lover.

Now you are a rap addict,
rushing to the studio everyday,
your priority is to hit the jackpot in the music industry,
your dressing has changed,
and so have your mantality and speech.

I loved that angelic you,
but since you never realised,
you pushed me away till i am where i am today,
i promice to be still your friend,
but not the lover you need,
youv gone for the looks that most girls admire,
am sure it will win you a dozen of them.

I am too boring,
yet you too noisy,
angelic never suited you anyway since all you ever wanted to do was fit in.
To my ex, who deceived me with good looks that were so pure, while all he was, was a rap monster (addict) that he is today.

— The End —