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james nordlund Nov 2019
While feeling sacred on this All Hallow's Day,
I also feel pangs of the hungry, so wrought by
The profane, for the food wasted by us could feed
All the world's.... Yet, betwixt,
In the mundane it's only hurled.

Allowing our thoughts on our forebearers,
And a drink returned to the earth for them, as they,
The dearly departed, are us as well, we discern,
The depth of one's sorrow is the well's fathom
Of meanings and moments shared with them.

Thus, manners in which doings, not doings are done
Or aren't, brings life, light to them, or it doesn't.  
For grace, just a word, can't be sought, it seeks you.  
As words, while paths of study, can't lead to oneself,
For, intellect can not lead, as life does not follow.
And another twig of the holiday poetree for this Thanx/Mourning Day   :)

Another Thanx/Mourning Day

I am thankful for,
The wonder of our
Morning star’s rise,
And it’s setting
Within our eyes,
On this Beauty Way
We build each day
With great surprise.

Native’s compassion taught
Pilgrims at Plymouth
How to live within, give to,
Nature’s abundance.
That providence sowed
Reaped graces’ harvest,
Fraternity, bearing
Fruits to this day.

We gave Native America genocide, Earthocide.
Chief Seattle said, “no one can own the land”.
Bowing to Above and Below, for gifts bestowed,
Giving, may we, again, walk that way.
While giving thanx
This full Moon’s day,
There, but for the grace
Of God, Great Spirit, go I.

Copy, share as you will. Thanx for all you do    :)    reality
james nordlund Nov 2019
Come what may,

as long as a mayfly ..., for a day,

being alival not survival,

rather than as long as an eagle flies,

not striving, enlivening, thriving, evolving.

There but for the grace of God,

Great Spirit, ..., go I.
In space of reflection on this Thanx/Mourning Day and Gratitude   :)   reality
james nordlund Nov 2019
Is where, the hearth is,

one can be, one's heart is free,

one's head lays and dreams.
Senryu.  In space of reflection on this Thanx/Mourning Day   :)   reality
james nordlund Nov 2019
As trying to sleep turns impossible,

and struggling to take the next breath overpowers

the terrorism of knowing it may be my last,

I fall asleep for moments 'til fear of asyphyxia

forces my waking anew to the terror of knowing

I could have been dead

and if I fall asleep again I may be,

as well as the twist that

there's nothing I can do about any of it.
If you don't find the joy in the poem, maybe it's not there; yet, I was at least at it's gate   :)   reality
james nordlund Nov 2019
As machinations of

travailing winds,

miraging, veil and mirror

narcissistic nihlistic

false-ego, as self,

"...we(e),..." evince to be.

Finding that find,

giving it away,

aliveness being this day,

and further searching,

to be this day

what it is to be this day.
Feeling thanx, gratefulness, and mourning the losses to Native Americans more before this Thanx/Mourning Day; more than before any other.  Blessings be....   :)   reality
james nordlund Nov 2019
I am thankful for,

The wonder of our

Morning star's rise,

And it's setting

Within our eyes,

On this Beauty Way

We build each day

With great surprise.

Native's compassion taught

Pilgrims at Plymouth

How to live within, give to,

Nature's abundance.

That providence sowed

Reaped graces' harvest,

Fraternity, bearing

Fruits to this day.

We gave Native America genocide, Earthocide.  

Chief Seattle said, "no one can own the land".

Bowing to Above and Below, for gifts bestowed,

Giving, may we, again, walk that way.

While giving thanx

This full Moon's day,

There, but for the grace

Of God, Great Spirit, go I.
Colimbus Day can go away for indigenous Day; no?
james nordlund Nov 2019
Will you, illimitable potential,

indivisible as life, "leap and contend",

as agua uncontainably articulating?

When you two meet, will you not recede from you to be?,

and jump, back to the evolution and the future,

humanity will only have if you do?
Above quote, "Leap and contend", by Isadora Duncan, a great dancer.  I would love to be tres Gaia, yet, alas, my body's receding from reality.  Thanx for all you do   :)   reality
james nordlund Nov 2019
His chiding of those berating, confiding in

peers, pals, kin, from neighbors din

to seaside inn, with "backwards", caused chagrin.

My heart did jump in, "backwardness"

could never extinct humanity,

like the religion of scientism has

in only the latest 400 years

of it's tryst with oligarchy.  

"One insect damaging so much grain",

one instant evolutionarily,

destroying so much grace,

that it took the Cosmos 18 billion

years of evolution to create.

Truer words were n'er spoken,

was his snort, in retort,

as we savaged our insides on

with tonics, nuts, gin.
Inspired by a fellow Hello Poet; thanx for all you do- have a great eve'   :)   reality
james nordlund Nov 2019
'Tis in the darkest hour that
One foot follows the other,
... shines so on one's heart path,
Where, who, what, when, how,
Where, and sometimes why,
Yet, never Y2K, are unanswered
By the you that is to be, whilst gleaned.  

Then, not receding from reality,
One step leads to another,
Evolving lights one's footsteps
That followed none, leaving no trace
And saving the human race,
Which echo on forever, in all ways, always.
Even shadows speak of the light.
If you're not taking bullets, you're making them; a lesson from WWII.  Indivisible, illimitable u's inner-nature's abundance self-actuating in the world   :)   reality
james nordlund Nov 2019
Soon to be matter that supposedly doesn't,

it only being 99.9 to the infinite place %

of an evolving, expanding, inconceivable Cosmos,

a Bodhi, as 'twas, everywhere and nowhere at once,

with heart, Like the wind moves, not love nor hate,

only everything and nothing at all, at once, thrives.

A sea of souls, waves crest, trough, love is.

Gaia's imploring, humanity be not my stillbirth,

is all sea's songs accompaniment now, as acid rain always falls.

Will you dance, "leap, contend", be agua uncontainably gesturing?

Will humans be that evolutionary jump, back to the evolution

and the future they'll only have if they do?  Are you life?
Waves wear on stone, it gives way, stone stays, waves go away.   Indivisible, illimitable u's inner-nature's abundance self-actuating in the world   :)   reality
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