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T Stevens Feb 2014
Watching kinectic motion ball strikes.
Hearing the cleaning lady enter.
Trying to work but I keep thinking of you.
What are you doing right now?
I pick up my cell phone and wish I could call.
I sent her away I want to be alone to think.
My time with you on net has been great.
Your personality is as gorgeous as your face.
You get me and give me reasons to smile.
I wake up happy knowing I can chat with you.
What am I doing on Valentine's day?
Reading dozens of cards I bought for you.
I wanted to FTD several dozens roses.
Where to have them delivered?
What I wont hear on or get on Valentine's day,
"LOVE THE FLOWERS" and no hugs.
I walk past the same jeweler's every day.
I want to go in and buy you gifts.
Confession time - I special ordered off line.
On my desk is a diamond choker, earrings
and matching tennis bracelet.
The best money can buy.
My heart still skips a beat
I still get butterflies in my stomach.
I have hopes that next year
wont be another lonely Valentine's day.
Keeping your gifts safe.
I'm disappointed but not upset.
I'm the understanding type.
By now all who read my poems including you knows this is about you Betty Ponder.
I want to give you a big bear hug.
T Stevens Jan 2014
Another day of long hours ahead  for me

Good morning gorgeous!

Read your full disclosure and I admire you even more.
Whoever said all creative people suffer from manic or
clinical depression was out of their minds because you don't.
You prove you don't need to be depressed to write.
Like the you don't smoke and you are no ******.
You are careful what you put in your body
I know you don't do drugs.  
The more I get to know about you the more the butterflies
in my stomach tell me I'm right.
You read that part right.
I still have butterflies when I think of you
but at the same time I feel at ease when we on net chat.
Big confession coming up.
I've always wanted someone like you in my life.
A woman who's gorgeous, highly intelligent, has her
**** together, doesn't cake on make up, has confidence,
loves herself and life, laughs at life and herself, doesn't bore
the hell out of me with drama and much more.
Quite frankly I've always wanted a woman
other women hate and she makes them feel insecure.
That's the woman that has confidence and can
enter a room alone without being self-conscious.
That's how I know you're the woman for me.
Your stalker has been freed but you are not in hiding
I commend you for taking your power back.
I'm guessing you are set to stand your ground if necessary.
I mentioned your name and they know of you
mainly from what they've heard from friends.
Hope you don't mind they did a Google search.
I didn't tell them we were dating it's how my parents are.
They can tell when I'm interested in a lady.
With your images on screen my dad agrees
with me. You are gorgeous!
My mom said "I haven't seen anything
that lovely in a long time!"
My folks have unprejudiced hearts like  me
and yourself and would love meeting you.
Bringing them out to hear you when you
tell me you will be singing.
Hoping you will feel more at ease with my parents
sitting at the table and we finally have a real life
conversation longer than me telling
you how amazing your singing is.
Hope your meeting with your producer went well.
You venturing out in bad weather speaks volumes
about your dedication to what you do.  
The more I know about you Betty Ponder
the hungrier I am to learn more.
I have no doubt you would never keep me
waiting for an hour for lack of something to wear.

T Stevens Jan 2014
Good morning gorgeous!

You asked me why I broke up with her.
I've been thinking about what to say without sounding
like a disrespectful ****.
Like you I've discovered it's easier to figure it out
if you write it down.
You're seeking and respect honesty so here goes.
I could not get you out of my head yesterday
and went to bed thinking about you last night.
I watched Tyson peck at the wood branch in his cage.
He bit me like the one he's named after bit Holyfield.
He loses interest in toys I buy him in minutes.  
Reminds me of my ex she was the same way.
She never listened when I spoke and it was like I never did.
I lost patience with her due to her always being late.
Last time I took her out she was an hour late
with no good reason but couldn't decide what to wear.
She was adult but felt like I was involved with a immature kid.
Plus she's impulsive in a bad way.
She used the cards I let her use for emergencies
to gamble online, bought online and hid what she didn't need
and took her friends who were immature like her
out on the town at my expense.
Drove me nuts because she had difficulty paying attention.
Sometimes love isn't enough to over come her kind
of deafness or her thinking it fun to put aluminum
foil in microwaves.
She was the queen of drama and procrastination.
Her place was always disorderly and she swore to me
when we met she was a neat freak.
I don't mind a little daily life messes it happens.
Her chronic lateness made it a last straw.
On the night I was to introduce to my folks
she was late and they left my home without meeting her.
It's been over two years since I ended the misery
of her in my life but she's still bitter.
Unlike you she's stuck in hate mode and will
be there until someone else buys her
lies and manipulations.
Could say more but I believe you will
see the full picture.

I wrote this for you Betty Ponder.
I know you know it's about you. : )
T Stevens Jan 2014
I can't tell you how it feels to be discriminated against
but I know how powerless feels.*

I watched as a man was hit until he was badly bloodied.
I wanted to shout stop hitting him but
my mother covered my mouth with her hand.
Did not know why my dad stood there
clinched fist and very angry but silent.
Man collapsed on the ground he looked unconscious.
Ni - a's breathing heard a southern voice say.
Man was kicked and the bullies walked away
proud of themselves.
Ni - a got taught a lesson!
Saw spit on the ground from the one who spoke.
They walked past us.
Dad had a angry look I never saw before.
Bleeding man lay on the floor
his family came and took him away.
Dad took my mom's hand.
Mom took mine and we left the area fast.
In the car mom and dad said nothing.
We got home and they explained it to me.
Happened in the early 70's years after M. L. King was shot.
My dad said nothing because
he didn't want mom and me beat after
her was beat bloodied like the man we saw.
I'm a grown as man and know why he stood
there powerless saying nothing.
They would have ganged up on my dad
and beat him until he was nearly dead.
I would have been beaten and taunted.
My mom would have been stripped naked
and ***** with me and dad made to watch.
White women had no rights and got treated
like second class citizens.
Southern whites ignored civil rights movement
and still lived under Jim Crow Laws.
T Stevens Jan 2014
I froze my *** off filling my tank yesterday.
Me and Tyson are watching early morning news.
Still **** at poetry writing but getting better.
I logged on to Google+ to see your new pic in color.
You look great in black and white on your profile btw.
You are so ****** gorgeous and thoughts
of you make my heart leap and keep me very warm.
I heard another siren five minutes ago.
I'm staying at home to work from my home office.
I went to whattalking and saw the enlargements
of your face then printed out your pictures.
No copyright violations intended and please don't sue. : )
Your gorgeous face is now my desktop theme.
My heart is leaping and I have butterflies in my stomach
thinking about you and seeing your pics Betty Ponder.
T Stevens Dec 2013
Poem thief can have my poems if it means you continue to share pieces of you.
Joined this site to get to know you and will not stay here if you go away.
Not into twitter or myspace but will join to be near you and hope you don't mind.
I pray you allow me to be part of your crowd on your private Facebook.
You inspired me to write poetry and to get better at what's difficult for me.
I don't smoke cigarettes to calm my nerves or drink ***** to numb a man's pain.
Admitting I'm a grown *** man reading your leaving comments and about to cry.
You affect more lives than you realize Betty Ponder and I glad you shared about you.
The one who steals poems can steal this one too it will mean more will know my feelings.
Glad that I got to read the pieces of you that you cared to share.
I posed a how do you know question to my parents about knowing if it's love.
Answer was when a person leaves your life and it makes you feel like
you can't breath and you get extremely sad when they leave and you want to
swallow your pride and get down on your hands and knees and beg them not to go.
I'm sad thinking you are leaving and I wont get to read pieces of you but still
got butterflies in my stomach thinking of you and want to beg you not to go.
I kid you not. You are the best of the best of all poets on this site and it's a ****** shame
you removed a lot of your fantastic poems they were the best of the best on this site.
T Stevens Dec 2013
Risk taker and I'd risk more if you trust me with your kind heart.
I read poems this morning and wonder how anyone could be so mean.
I like what I like and know who I like nobody should worry about me.
I don't feel used, abused or the fool for seeking out who I like.
If I'm lucky and have the pleasure of getting to know you better in the real,
I would feel happy and honored and it would be what I want.
What you want is important to me so no hurry on meeting.
I'll be spending time getting to know what you care to share.
Would be my pleasure to gift you a ton of presents and sit
with you and watch your face as you open all.
It would also be nice to spend time with you in a cabin sharing
time reading the real Christmas story from the good book.
Whatever makes you happy and at ease makes me happy.
I learned something from posting all the poems about you.
If I want you to know it's about you, I must post your name.
This one is about and for you and hope to get to know you Betty Ponder.
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