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The dragon mighty
Exists unceremoniously
Rough and curt
With such a power to assert

His wings, like the mountains of the earth,
Span into the skies
Two eyes, a sun and moon
And a body rotund, sighs

Hoping that a mortal tune
Will soothe him as do lullabies
This king in ruin
Hopes to be one of human kind

Capturing a trace of human life
A princess wrought into sudden fright
Caught, now in a time of strife
With the creature, she shares the blight

So the kingdom replies distraught
Sends its feeble human knights
The dragon sees them in trot
He longs to know what their lives' are like

Some weaker knights are concerned
Coming upon the gate of the dragon
And thought wiser and turned
Unwilling to burn in a short fashion

But some stood and stayed
Calling for princess Shannon
But revealing their plans
Met a sweeping talon

Knights so unable to rouse a reaction
Fighting with such a faction
Barely having any traction
Made the dragon tired of such a matching

To think, he could be rid of them in one, short, breath
But sighs out steam, instead
Leading them to his nest
And so, they complete their quest

Now roaring from within his breast
The dragon soars away, feigning a retreat from their test
For he knows his place is forever set
But he wishes just to be at rest

His cold eyes so far from life and death
The flying symbol of mortal dread
Raising his head above the rest
Sighs a short breath, wishing to rest
The full extent of the sky hovers above our nest
    And above that the void of space holds in our unrest
    The deep abyss in which dreams halt
    We may try screams, but they don't persist beyond that fault
    "Why are we here" - one of our shouts

    We read into these words so deeply
    Analyzing life so unwieldy
    The line that runs horizon to horizon
    Seeking resolutions from dawn to dawn
    We are tasked to understand words spoken of infinity
    What can you expect besides a holy trinity?

    Reading deeply into this play of life
    Looking for just one hiccup or missed line
    Hungry to capture just one word divine
    So difficult when the vines of life
    Are cut short by time
The audacious titan of a non ethereal world
Radial phenomena of visceral magnitude
Unsheathed virus set onto the solitary world
The vessel for the wayward tune

Grown environment set continuously
berthed by the air and the mists
Made flame by hollow wishing
Wrought twigs posed symbol
Fallen legend

Flame's tail shining
Embers blazing brightly
Heating burning charring
Rising from the smoke and dusty
Flames not swayed to burn single ways

Chaotic melancholic daze
In the aftermath
Nature again grows
And shouts more loudly than before
Fruit basket
Pick what you like
"This ones bruised,
This ones ripe"

With no way to say no
Just a product to be owned
One in a bunch, a bunch in a basket
Pick the fruit fallen far from the tree
Stare and assess like fruit but please-

The fruit in the basket is not made from plastic
Stepped on like grapes all their lives
Carved like pumpkins on the inside
Sit to rot and eaten by fruit flies
They look pretty on the outside
These fruits are lies, these fruits are lives
But these staring eyes are rotten inside
Biting the apple of sin, that cries
*** Trafficking
By the radial shells he abides
By the collapsing arc of the tide
An insane man with coiled hands
Sits at shore drawing circles in the sand
Wondering about his reciprocal strife
Spiraling out of control in the circle of life
As his mind crooks like lightning
And shines down a spotlight to focus his feelings
Circles it neatly and plainly and simply
Drawing the spirals of the radial shells
The staircase to his mind, his hell
The twisted head he holds high
The circle of life a ringing in his ears
As he looks at the circles and calls them lines
Just intimate ultimate lust
Now our love is a must
I hate you and your guts
For the baby that you just
Delivered, with no grasp of love
Born into love unjust
Poets meld through words
Artists paint the world
Translate souls onto canvas
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