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Shienna Jun 2014
Liquid forms around my eyes
All i can give is but a sad sigh
A sigh full of regret...
Letting you go is the stupidity
ill never forget ...
Shienna Jun 2014
I held your hand
You looked at him
I held you tight
The sky went dim

I saw your tears
It starts to rain
My heart is filled
With constant pain

I let you go ...
You ran to him
I saw a smile
I've never seen

With one last look
I said "so long,
You're finally now
Where you belong
Shienna Jun 2014
Memories of a forgotten past
turn back time, make our love last
return the beauty of a withered flower
rekindle the love that we desired
give back the heart that once was mine
reunite our souls and make them shine
touch the lotus then make it bloom
turn on the lights to banish the gloom
heal the wounds, remove the scars,
set up the fire to light the stars
get the empty spaces, fill up its void,
no matter what happens, we wont be destroyed
turn back time and dry the tears
thwart that moment when we had sever
So.. this is my first poem here and.. i hope you guys liked it :) ♡

— The End —