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D.C.    Seeker. Oh lament, the sun settles from golden gaiety to smoke gray. And all creatures seen dormant...repose. Then in a gesture of compassion, curious with ...
BCD, PH-YYZ, CA    "I write from my soul. This is the reason that critics don't hurt me, because it is me. If it was not me, if I ...
Nanna Harrow Haley Y
NoplacewhereIbelong    What's it like inside your mind? What's your story? :) Sorry I haven't written for a while. ^-^
deanena tierney
47/F    In a Way Delayed
Mrs Ashley Somebody
27/F/No longer wandering :)    Joined September 14, 2013. | Purchase the ebook or hardback version of my book of poetry on here:
Mike Hauser
Sunny Florida    I'm a poet and I know it, I make a rhyme.... I make a rhyme................ CRAP!!!
Humboldt County Ca.    Life on the Mad River. Through lines: poetry. I went into psychology with two questions: how do people work and what is the source of ...
A writer and an artist. A musician as well. In need of a Savior, I was just a shell. I was a heavy drinker. Alcoholic, ...
Yes, I am the grandson of a spy--being perilously curious is part of my DNA.

— The End —