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Brian Oarr Feb 2012
In soft darkness my aura of sadness emanates.
O'er cresting notes my lonely whistle treads.
Night birds sing to me their potentate
And lull the drifting images in my head.

All this my emptiness devours,
It feeds upon such times and moods.
My youthful optimism cowers;
Ideals tonight are mere exotic foods.

Do not look for me 'neath street lamps.
I shun the light, as wolves would shun a fire,
Preferring the company of street tramps,
Who seem to understand a man's desires.

So foolish are the rash, deceiving hearts,
Which convince our minds that love is rare,
For not infrequently a couple parts,
Never realizing the secret was to care.
Lessons of Darkness
midnight prague  Jan 2011
midnight prague Jan 2011
el sol va tocar la lluna i amb els ulls brillants que compartien una
paradoxa amor, es va convertir en el seu conjunt
es va torçar en una essència sota els llençols de les tenebres al
nostre espai infinit
the world whispered the simple phrase into my ample
body, frigid in the sense mentally and physically
I cant get enough of this new comer
I feel the verses in my poetry have became
more real when words are enveloped in
a character of no moral restraints
I am more real now, I feel full
yet my emptiness is there on the side
I need that, and its understood - every human does
the living dead are fully
alive now, and I have let
the deader parts of me fade away
with the turning of time
I have a new sheet of skin upon my body
I have new eyes peering at the world
with the stare of a pale ****** who has
yet to be touched by the sun
just coming out of my mothers womb
you see
I am born again
I breathe for the first time
and I love genuinely
I throw my arms in the sky
and I bathe myself in the wind
of this foreigner whom soon
I will give my body to
and you will grow along me
the clouds move above me like a
euphoric dream of melodies
and I feel the rush of the universe
come down on me like a huge raindrop
and I am cleansed
and I am free
and I am love
the smell of wet wood in the park
suffocates me with its natural joy
and I lay on the grass and peer
into the lakes of life and
the mysteries they hold, I cannot
wait to find out the riddles
and listen to the new rhymes to come
welcome new year
Le jour pousse la nuit,
Et la nuit sombre
Pousse le jour qui luit
D'une obscure ombre.

L'Autonne suit l'Esté,
Et l'aspre rage
Des vents n'a point esté
Apres l'orage.

Mais la fièvre d'amours
Qui me tourmente,
Demeure en moy tousjours,
Et ne s'alente.

Ce n'estoit pas moy, Dieu,
Qu'il falloit poindre,
Ta fleche en autre lieu
Se devoit joindre.

Poursuy les paresseux
Et les amuse,
Mais non pas moy, ne ceux
Qu'aime la Muse.

Helas, delivre moy
De ceste dure,
Qui plus rit, quand d'esmoy
Voit que j'endure.

Redonne la clarté
A mes tenebres,
Remets en liberté
Mes jours funebres.

Amour sois le support
De ma pensée,
Et guide à meilleur port
Ma nef cassée.

Tant plus je suis criant
Plus me reboute,
Plus je la suis priant
Et moins m'escoute.

Ne ma palle couleur
D'amour blesmie
N'a esmeu à douleur
Mon ennemie.

Ne sonner à son huis
De ma guiterre,
Ny pour elle les nuis
Dormir à terre.

Plus cruel n'est l'effort
De l'eau mutine
Qu'elle, lors que plus fort
Le vent s'obstine.

Ell' s'arme en sa beauté,
Et si ne pense
Voir de sa cruauté
La récompense.

Monstre toy le veinqueur,
Et d'elle enflame
Pour exemple le coeur
De telle flame,

Qui la soeur alluma
Trop indiscrete,
Et d'ardeur consuma
La Royne en Crete.

— The End —