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she plants her lipstick
on my cheek
or forehead daily;

her stamp,
she says

leaving her puckered claim,
she says

in case some young *****
with game
throws a slow hanging curve ball
over my plate

and I'm tempted to hit it
like a-rod,
hgh and all,
up and over the outfield wall

then slide into home base

like it's batting practice

a double-header...

~ P (Pablo)
Eve bit into the knowledgeable apple
Unaware it was a scientifically spliced grapple

Pesticides and HGH digested
Bowel track quickly congested

Intelligence was null and void
Good and Evil seem devoid

Laid gently into a tender rest
Bearing the damnations of a faltered test

Prosperity in peace
Retracted lease
Matt  Jun 2015
Matt Jun 2015
I had ceral for breakfast yesterday

I went drove over and put seven dollars
Worth of gas in my tank
That's all I can really afford

Then I drove over to the golf course
I was going to hit a few putts
But instead I just parked in the shade
With my feet out the window

I drove by my house
To see if they had left yet
I wasn't in the mood
For a family outing

I parked a few block beneath
My street in the shade
Covered my car
With the cover

And made my way
To the trail
By the golf course

I used a long branch
To reach golf ball
Above me
On a little hill

I am a golf ball collector
I sat on my yoga mat
Underneath the shade
Of a tree

I noticed a sparrow hawk
Land in an oak tree
I zoomed in to take a picture
And it flittered away

I made my way back to the car
And drove home
I figured I would have
An hour or so before
They got back
From the movie

I had the other half
Of the double double
And small chocolate milkshake

I consume those items
Over two days
Because they are
A bit unhealthy

I began my walk down
To the gym

I wrote "America is doomed"
And Jade Helm
With a fruit and that green plant

Jade Helm is a cover
For the military takeover
Of the southwestern U.S.
Alex Jones has been told
By hgh level military sources

I stopped and sat underneath
A tree on the median

Small pink flowers
Had bloomed

And these little white
Fluffy seeds were falling
As I looked up

I climbed the tree
Look at me
I'm a monkey in the tree

I laid back againt the tree
And put my legs up

I spent quite some time up there
Waving to the people as they drove by

To be continued...
jeffrey robin May 2014
/    \

( we don't live ---here --- no more)

We livin in hgh hills

We takin back the world

We singin the new song


The liars tell their lies

Everybody plays along


We don't live HERE anymore

If you think you should --- ?


Really you DON'T !


Simply get to your feet and come along



Livin in high hills

With the gods

The goddesses

And who ever else wants


To take back the world

For the Daughters & Sons

— The End —