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Gary Lewis Oct 2013
Clegg was a pushy ******
who never locked his door
pressed his friends forward for recognition
of their efforts.
Quietly in the background
Without telling
What he was doing
for them
never for himself
and in his selfless style
died poor
he had little interest in material possessions
gave most things away
and was smart enough to spend his last dollar
on his last day
©Gary Lewis 2009
Tina ford  Feb 2014
Maggie's eggs
Tina ford Feb 2014
This contains swearwords!!!!

Do you know what it’s like to be on the dole?
The giro, the social, the rock and roll,
Well I’m tellin you now, that it’s no laff,
No heat or food, round at my gaff,

I can’t pay the bills on fifty three quid,
This is how I live; I’m tellin ye kid,
No Lecky, or water, or comfy bed,
Nowhere to lay my educated head,

You’s think I’m brewsted on state benefit,
Well I’m tellin ye now, life is ****,
No jobs are goin in my town,
This whole ****** country is goin down,

I look every day for a job to do,
Over qualified under qualified, scew you,
I’d brush your path, deliver your dinner,
My options for work get thinner and thinner,

But we get the blame for the country’s debt,
And seen in your eyes as a useless get,
We are not scroungers and living like kings,
We can’t afford the simple things,

We can’t take our kids to Blackpool pier,
Or to the fair, it’s just too dear,
It’s not our fault the system let us down,
Schooling was crap, but I got a cap and gown,

So don’t look at me, like I’m ****,
I’ve bettered meself to get out of this pit,
I’m clever and proud and I stand tall,
I make something out of nothing, coz I’ve got **** all,

You won’t tread us down, yeah that’s right,
We got fire in our bellies and where ready to fight,
We’re not greedy for a fancy lifestyle.
The simple things make us smile,

So quit avin a go, at our worlds apart,
I’m scouse and proud, with a lions heart,
So live well in your mansion, apartment, or detached,
Coz were the generation that Maggie hatched,

Yeah that’s right were Maggie’s crew,
The under privileged, not like you,
Time to step up the Cameron’s and Clegg’s,
Coz you’ve sat long enough on Thatcher’s eggs.

Tina Ford
Micheal Wolf Mar 2013
Picture yourself unemployed, your life now in bin bags
With no home, no car and no roof over you
No food no boots no one to hold onto
You children don't recognise you

Whilst high on a hillside the political powers dine upon luxury food
Sipping their champers drinking your money
And looking down upon you

Using your money to fund and support all of their business intrests
Taken your life away, nothing left today

Lucy in the park with TB
Lucy in the park with TB
Lucy in the park with TB
ohh OOh Poor Lucy

Morning has come and her fingers now blue her face is dark and won't move
Her daughter can't wake her she cries "oh mummy"the coalition have killed you..
The government killed here with policy cuts and media lies each day
Cameron and Clegg Lining their  pockets as more more people die
Lucys now gone on a boat to the heavens
the ferryman took her away took her today

Lucy died in the park with TB
Lucy in the park with TB
Lucy in the park with TB
Poor Lucy
Oh wow
An un complementary ballad to the coalition government
Paul Butters  Feb 2015
Paul Butters Feb 2015
Write a Clerihew:
It’s easy to do.
Two rhyming couplets of any length:
Short and simple, that’s its strength.

Remember Johnny Giles
A player with all the wiles.
In midfield he did scheme:
For Leeds he was a dream.

Nicole Scherzinger,
What a messenger.
A Friend so loyal,
Regally royal.

Oh Nick Clegg,
Why did you have to beg
For a Tory-led Coalition,
Sending the Lib-Dems into Perdition?

(PS) All hail be to great Don Newton,
Always had a winning solution.
Played table tennis with flashing blade,
A Legend that will never fade.

Paul Butters
Love Clerihews!!!
andy fardell Sep 2016
The wailing ghosts  
Laughed at my sadness
Humorous in their intention to weaken me the more
I stayed awake in the earthen hour
Battling the clegg of thy cometh
To tell thee ones tale
They fly through me
Scream me awake
Stolen my wishes
Gone be my dreams  

So becomes the chatter in my head
Weak to the mind
I follow in stumble
Leave all
Comes behind  

It's now I must face them
The slugs chase in I
White trail
Their misfortune
My desolate mind  

The madness is in me
The ghosts have all won
I'm falling to pieces
My heart hears the gun

Chris May 2010
Labour are red
Tories are blue
Both need the Liberals
Their votes were too few

We want, we all said
A hung parliament coup
Carelessly wished for
Now all coming true

There's economic dread
So what shall we do
We can't decide which we like
Yellow, red or blue 

Campaigning not bed
A decision to rue
More sleep is postponed
So Clegg they can woo

The rivals must wed
A coalition stew
Strong stable unity
Or chimps in a zoo?

Some policies now dead 
Others they'll pursue
The only thing certain
Is that cuts are in view

So raise up your head
And herald the new
And if someone's in charge
Please tell me who.
Written the night after the 6 May 2010 general election in the UK before it was clear which parties would unite to form a government.
Slapstick comedy in the House of Commons,we laughed until we cried
the day the front bench tried to get through a bill..oh oh oh
Clegg and Cameron in front of cameras trying on the speakers chair for size,
did not realise it was bolted to
the wooden floor.. oh oh.
The division bell rang and they all divided someone sang,let's go for a beer,it's very cheap in here it's the subsidy, he, he, he,almost free,
unlike the populace we can all get off our face,expense forms at our side,it's slapstick and we laughed 'til we nearly died..oh oh oh.
Enous  May 2018
Clegg Hallroom
Enous May 2018
The glares blind
the juice flowing from our mind.
In the cold space
That which we hope a saving grace,
Would break the societal chain
Of burdens so heavy.
the weight cracks the glass of our spirit
And seeps into sinking cells
Whispering bitter discouragement that it
poisons the sweet turning it dull
Weakening what little strength we forced.

But the toxic ammunition
Does not destroy our wills
For there's still our intuition
That throws up arms
To soar high and reach a peak
coming down with a force of
thundering drills.

Making the sight clear
Of what needs to be done,
As the strict clock follows orders
he signals the cease of glares
With the force of a gun.
Experience of anxiety during finals

— The End —