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moonlight as an astronaut
Beth Taylor
i never paid much attention to abandoned buildings until i became one
jane taylor
utah    I realized I am You When The fabric Of my soul Unraveled ©2016 Jane Taylor ❤︎janey's poetry copyright © janetaylor all rights reserved❤︎
Hey, I'm Taylor. 18. Life is a war, and I don't really care about winning anymore. Please don't steal my work, it's all I've got. ...
24/F/New Jersey    "Poetry is a mirror which makes beautiful that which is distorted." -Percy Shelley
Sarah Tayler
Australia    I write bad poetry and philophise. Sometimes, when I’m sad I’ll write a song or two.
Kevin J Taylor
Thataway    Of Irish extraction, born on Canada's west coast. My work shows up here occasionally but for the most part I keep it on my blog ...
Debbie Taylor
Queenstown, South Africa    I have always loved writing. I have written poems since I learned what a poem was. I became an accountant and stopped writing. Somehow my ...
taylor styles
21/F/NC    mediocre poetry from a mediocre girl
Pink Taylor
31/F    Writing helps connect me to my whole the product of such connections you'll find here they are pieces of myself however 'imperfect' they may seem ...
Taylor St Onge
F/Milwaukee    “Let me live, love and say it well in good sentences” -Sylvia Plath. I like writing poetry and creative nonfic.
Drake Taylor
17/F/Always somewhere    I AM ME
20/F/Emporia, Kansas    But if you blur your eyes, just for a moment, all the street lights look like lost souls going home. Twitter: @heytinytay
Jessie Taylor H
26/F/Texas    Poetry/Bookish Insta: @jth_reads.writes
Taylor Poole
Spit truth, not game.
Taylor Henry
I just really need a typewriter.
Taylor Roberts
Leland    Remember Emerson
Taylor Cuomo
New York, NY    "What matters most is how well you walk through the fire." -Charles Bukowski
USA    I left poet freak well not all the way I still have to take my poems off and save them. But I wanted to come ...

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