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Noni Winters
27/F    All my thoughts oughta be heard by someone, right? I wrote a lot when I was younger, but lost it. I've recently rediscovered my love ...
Zita Nonie Hasenkamp
18/Non-binary/Arizona, US    β€œTo do the useful thing, to say the courageous thing, to contemplate the beautiful thing: that is enough for one man's life.” ― T.S. Eliot, ...


gabby dial May 2015
dear noni,
im suppose to call you nona
i just didnt know how to pronounce the "a"
your not even italian so what does it matter anyway

i dont like you very much
you have made my life harder than it should be
dear noni i really wish you would leave
you raised a homophobic judgmental son, i get to call him dad

dear noni
youre not very friendly
you can send me as many books as you want on jesus and being straight'
it doesnt help your case
stop "praying for me it makes you look bad

sorry you are my grandma because i dont like you
joseph g schelling  Jan 2022
grows on lava flows
anti- cancer properties
pungeant noni fruit
Something Simple May 2014
Time changes around and around
Now every sound is feet hitting the ground
Over the mountain and over sea

Trace the pavement curves to age old destinations
To the ducks, up the road
No telling where we go
Three hearts beat the same as one

They are dogs and I am man
Everything, Everything
Honi-Honi the sleek and the dark
Relentless as a hurricane and the height of a jump
Noni the old and the brown and the small
Strong as a tank with the spirit of a lion

All the theories and words
All the ideas and verse
Pounding my head
Going where my feet have tread
Everything, everything that I am
Fades when the walking ends
When the walking ends.