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SG Holter Jul 2014
Clouds like ice on water
Shield holding heat

Between the ground and

Car is here for the

I am the cold mouthful of
Coffee I throw on a smoking

Sigarette **** on the
Concrete, remembering

Back home
Back then

It was you who decided when
The break was over

So it never was a

It was a laidback lifestyle
Always between two

Until remaining

Stationary got too much
For your young, impatient side

(That always dragged us down
Into infantility)

I loved your all, but that part
Being gone with the rest of

You, is the silence after a
Container-car having sqreeched

Tons of metal along tarmac,
Then hoisting,

Then driving off, making room
For another quiet

ConnectHook Nov 2016
Poetry ought to do things right
and document reality
but modern muses lose the fight
celebrating diversity.

Out-doing themselves, our leaders all
legitimize perversity.
Who gave them this satanic call
to demonize normality ?

The Washington nobility
who build a babel here on earth
display a versatility
for showing all their dubious worth.

They can't go One-World fast enough
discounting Christianity.
The matriarchy's mom is tough,
enforcing femininity...

Milk of mammalian global beast
(humanist animality)
From Nanny's withered poison breast
infects us biologically;
maintaining infantility.
♥ ⛧ ☭  ⚧ ♥ ✿ ⚢⛧★ ⚥ ♥
not sure about the title on this one...
ConnectHook Apr 2019
Poetry ought to do things right
and document reality—
but modern muses lose the fight
weaponizing identity.

Out-doing themselves, our leaders all
legitimize perversity.
Who gave them this satanic call
to demonize normality ?

In showing off their dubious worth,
the nation’s ignobility
transform to Babel all the earth
augmenting instability.

They can’t go One-World fast enough
suppressing Christianity.
Their matriarchy’s mom is tough,
enforcing femininity.

Milk of reptilian global beast:
postmodern animality
offers her withered poison breast
maintaining infantility.

They pour across. We help them in
supporting illegality;
our taxes fund their brand-new life
rewarding criminality.
YOU  finish it
(some pre-fab starters):
re-wording historicity
furthering imbecility
fanning flammability
normalized vulgarity
shortening eternity
denying immortality

PROMPT #2: write a poem that similarly resists closure by ending on a question,
inviting the reader to continue the process of reading
(and, in some ways, writing) the poem even after the poem ends

— The End —