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309 · Sep 2014
Ryan Fiore Sep 2014
I would do anything to get to you
But I don't wanna be rescued.
306 · Jul 2016
Ryan Fiore Jul 2016
Hypothetically, I'll be married to her, the most beautiful woman in the world and she will not only feel the same way, but will want to be married too.

Hypothetically, we'll have two kids. A boy named Asher and a girl named Brooklyn. And she'll love them and love the thought of having kids.

Hypothetically, we're gonna own a house and she'll enjoy that she has a permanent place, not just another apartment.

Hypothetically, she'll want me. And she'll kiss me in the morning and be such a hopeless romantic.

Hypothetically, we'll have each other. Forever and always. And I won't be just a face she passes everyday and smiles at.

Hypothetically, we'll be something more than just a professor and a student.
301 · Oct 2013
I Might Be Broken
Ryan Fiore Oct 2013
You built me up
And tore me down
Now I'm forced to put on a smile
And turn my frown upside down

You think love is a game
And you can throw out the words, "I love you"
And sadly I'm your victim
Because you made me love you

But you'll never feel that way about me
You're gonna like that other someone
And that's why I can't breathe anymore
I'm just so wrapped up in your loving

I might be broken 
But I'll find someone else
It's not that you don't love me properly
It's just I can't even love myself
Ryan Fiore Feb 2014
You know that feeling you get when you're starting to fall for someone; When you start thinking about that person a little more every day.
Those fluttery butterflies that are starting to form in your stomach and you are starting to get scared and you want it to stop yet at the same time you don't. There's a saying that says, "You know you're in love when you can't sleep because reality is finally better than your dreams." Amen. So true. I'm falling deeper and deeper every time I see her. I don't know, she just gives me this vibe that says, "Falling in love with you is scary, but it feels right because I know it's worth it." You know that feeling? I know that I have two options: Let this whole entire crush go and move on, or fall in love and hope for the best. Well, I think we all know which I'm gonna pick. Alas, I say may everyone have that feeling. Everyone deserves that feeling. Everyone deserves to know what it's like to be in love. Some might disagree because love can sometimes cause heartache and people will say, "I don't deserve this." Well, yeah. No matter what relationship you're in, it's not gonna be all rainbows and sunshine. It has it's ups and downs. You're gonna fight. You might even break sometime in anger. But eventually, you move on, with or without that person. You forgive and even though it's hard, you forget. When I get married, divorce, well that's not in the cards that have been dealt. It's forever and always, like it or not. That's the way God intended it to be. I think about this girl quite often, not compulsively or obsessively. But I'd be lying if I said that she didn't cross my mind a few times a day. I'd be lying if I said that I don't think about the sound of her voice and how much I miss it, and the smell of her perfume and how it gets me in an unpredictable crush like uproar. I'd be lying if I said I didn't want to push her up against a wall and kiss her. I'd be lying if I said that sleeping next to her was the worst feeling. I'd be telling a fib if I said that I don't long for the day that she thinks, "You're the one I want.", if I didn't dream of the day that she's jumping up and down, screaming, "Yes!", if I didn't build my expectation of the day that she would look me in the eyes and say, "I do." I'd be lying if I told you that I haven't thought about what it'd be like to wake up to her by my side every morning, even though I've liked her for a month. Well, my friends, I like to plan ahead.
291 · May 2014
7 AM
Ryan Fiore May 2014
****, she is beautiful.
The way she looks in the morning
When she rolls over and kisses me at 7 AM.
When she whispers, "Good morning love."

That is all.
265 · Jul 2014
The First Time
Ryan Fiore Jul 2014
Passionate kiss,
You clawing at my shirt
I can feel you
Your hair in a craze
Your fingers through mine
You whisper, "Oh God, how I waited for you."
260 · Feb 2016
Rue the Day
Ryan Fiore Feb 2016
Monday's approaching
Fate may be decided
My heart's breaking
For him

I still can't believe this is happening
He doesn't deserve it
Yet, he's so strong
How is he that strong?

I'm scared for him
I don't want anything to happen to him
Please don't hurt him
He wasn't thinking

He wasn't thinking those few months
We all lose it sometimes
Yeah, what he did was unacceptable
But so was what she did

You can't accuse someone of something like that
Because **** is not something to kid about
And I hate her for saying he did that
Surely there was something else you could have said

And then you say he wouldn't take you back
Wait. Why would you wanna go back to him?
Guess you made it up
And you just wanted to rue the day

That ****** me off
So **** much
Get so angry when I think about it
I wish I could save him

I hate him sometimes for what he did to his family
Cuz how could you do that?
But she has his family thinking he did more damage than he did
And that burns a hole more than you think

And she just wanted to rue the day.
Ryan Fiore Dec 2015
I cannot do this anymore
Cuz things are not like they were before
I hope you understand
You said you needed a little time
But you had another thing in mind
Another man
I don't wanna fight, I don't wanna play
I think that we should go our separate ways
But without you, what would I do?
What would people say?
I think the world would know my name
242 · Dec 2013
Sometimes I Wonder
Ryan Fiore Dec 2013
Sometimes I wonder
If you ever lay in bed
And start to think about me
Sometimes I wonder
If you look to your side
And you wish it were me
Sometimes I wonder
If you ever regret letting me go
Sometimes I wonder
But I guess I'll never know
242 · Sep 2015
Ryan Fiore Sep 2015
Baby you look like nothing I've ever seen
Like you stepped out of the pages of a magazine
228 · Dec 2013
Some Days
Ryan Fiore Dec 2013
Some days, I just sleep alone
Some days, I walk a lonely road
Some days, I miss you because you're gone
Some days, I feel pain because you've moved on
226 · Sep 2015
Ryan Fiore Sep 2015
I don't mean to rain on your parade
But I just called to say that things are great
Since we cut our ties,
Since we stopped telling lies,
All the times we shared are now burning to the ground

And I don't even care.
224 · Dec 2013
I Am
Ryan Fiore Dec 2013
I will be the best that I can be
I want to be all that you need
I used to be afraid of letting it be
I let go of the sorrow that I really don't need
I've forgotten the past, everything I did
I remember wishing I didn't mess up like I did
I am another ordinary girl
I am another voice, speaking in the world
210 · Apr 2014
No Way
Ryan Fiore Apr 2014
She is everything
She is great 
She makes my heart beat
I pray to God
I'll be enough
For her, someday. Give her love
When she smiles, the sparks fly
And my heart opens up whenever she says hi
I see a smile break onto her face.
And I hear her calling my name. 
******* she is beautiful
******* she is wonderful
And if you ever ask for her name
I'll say, "No way!"
Ryan Fiore May 2014
There had been a threat. Someone against her. I asked her how she was after it. She was better. I told her I wouldn't let anything happen to her. She smiled that smile and said, "Thank you. You're so sweet." And as I slowly walked away, I whispered under my breath, "Only because I'm in love with you."

— The End —