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Raven Brewer Aug 2023
And just like that, I have returned
No longer a traveler looking for my place

I've felt the grasp of the one who bore me
Which brought me back to earth
I am here, just like you.
I am me, just as we all should be.

I know what tethers me here
I felt the ground take hold of my roots
Keeping me in my position,
Allowing me to grow

I've seen the origins of my soul
I felt the air rush back into my lungs
Reminding me once again,
I am of flesh, I am of bone

And just like that, I have returned
Raven Brewer Aug 2023
I am the culmination
Of my mother's fear
And my father's regret

I am the culmination
Of my grandmother's desperation
And my grandfather's separation

I am the culmination
Of their hopes and their dreams
Of the pain and the screams

I am the culminate
Raven Brewer Aug 2023
I have oceans inside of me
Oceans deep within my soul
Ready to flow out to love you
Ready to envelop you completely
Ready to drown you with its intensity

I have oceans to give you
They're all yours,
All you have to do is say the word
And I will turn to liquid
Ready to flow out to love you
Ready to envelop you completely
Ready to down you with my intensity

I have oceans inside of me to give you
But you tell me you'd rather a puddle
You'd like the safety from the shore
You want a slow, steady stream to
Flow out to
Pool at your feet and
Love an appropriate amount
Raven Brewer Aug 2023
Take a deep breath in.
Inhale the words
That just rolled off his lips,
The carbon dioxide-filled lies
Take in the substance
That feeds your hungry mind

Let it circulate.
Spread to your heart,
Rush through your veins
The thrill of the burn
Is worth all the pain because,
You can feel something

Now exhale everything.
Expel the poison from your lungs
And the disease that is him
Cough up every remnant of the acid
Repress the memories of toxic touch
Cleanse yourself before he kills you

Then breath in again.
Raven Brewer Aug 2023
You struggle to say three inane words
To proclaim your unwavering devotion to me
You don't know how often I hear them
I don't want to listen to another lie

Prove it to me.

Paint me.
Capture my essence in hues of blue
Highlight the delicate curves and rises
Put great effort and immense detail into
My deep browns and shades of pink

Write me.
Make me a beautiful, glowing heroine
Scribble about my wittiness and allure
Compose lovely poems that address
My impossibly obtainable heart

Play me.
Construct symphonies with sweet harmonies
Flutter through major and minor scales
As complex as the thoughts in my mind
Turn my soul into music

Adore me.
Brush your vivid colors over my body
Scrawl the elegant lines of words into my skin
Quietly hum your angelic songs in my ear
Make me immortal with art, words, and songs

Then you will have proven it.
Raven Brewer Aug 2023
I cannot write love poems
It is a little fact about me
Trust me, I’ve tried so many times,
But nothing can capture you quite right,
For words are not enough

I cannot describe the feelings you give me
Like the pleasant dizziness that fills my head
when you are so close to me I could burst
And the wonderful swelling of my heart
when you say I love you and look into my eyes
Or the simple bliss that overcomes me
when I think of just being yours forever

I couldn’t possibly compare our love to anything
Because we are deeper and wider
than any canyon on the face of the earth
We are more vast and immense
than all of the sky and all of its inhabitants
And we are more powerful and essential
than any life source that provides the millions

I won’t be able to convey your likeness in words
Your eyes are far too blue and deep
to be like the restless ocean or the airy sky
Your face is far too admirable and handsome
to be like the gods in those legends the Greeks once told
Your body is far too chiseled and flawless
to be like the immaculate statues of the Romans

So, I cannot write love poems
It’s a little fact about me
Nothing can capture you quite right,
This earth cannot hold our love
The feelings you give me are too complex
You, my love, are far too perfect
for a simple love poem
Raven Brewer Aug 2023
I hope you know
That when I get drunk
I still think about you

I had a dream last night
And you were in it
On a billboard,
As an advertisement
And I was struck with awe
Seeing you up there
Better than what I had remembered

I don’t know what I felt
Maybe it was longing
Or maybe it was peace
Knowing you were better off
Than when I left you

All I know,
Is sometimes I miss your touch
And the way you spoke to me
Sometimes I miss
The way you would look at me
And devour me with your eyes

All I know,
Is I hope that you miss me
As much as I hope you’re happy
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