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Nov 2014
It feels kinda funny sometimes when the heart's in rare form.

I'm on stage performing a magic show when suddenly, I close my eyes and disappear~

{ยก} !my Grand Escape! {ยก}

I learned that one *before

the hat trick, so plain and basic
but I digress~

once upon a time, there was a princess born of more than just mere men. She often slipped sight unseen deep into the forest where she would play pretend. The tall towering trees would talk and tell her tales of mystery, speaking of Secrets older than time when Earth was churning in her prime. The stars would blink ON just for her, popping out of the dark night sky. Opening up the universe, she'd close her eyes and fly
but I digress~

I open up my eyes to see
the audience still sitting there.
I've got this silly hat,
but no bunny rabbit anywhere!

I really wish they wouldn't stare
I'm not so great at magic tricks,
only the magic in my mind~

I'd really like to disappear
and be that princess right nowย ย :-)
Just a fantasy take on stage fright or any frightening situation~ It would be more than great if when the panic sets in, we could just close our eyes and trade existences and be somewhere magical instead.
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