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Feb 2011
fairy tales are best told with a warm fire boiling at your teeth as you dip red toes in green goo for blue shoes that appear from cleopatras yellow ***.
oh what an ***.
but thats a grown up tale and today I play child like thinking of ****** thoughts while wondering what they mean to me because every cloud tells the story of mans birth into a world filled of his own worth where purple bees **** nectar from transparent flowers that imagine what it´d be like to breathe.
Brick roads are never gold and if they were you´d never know, I´ll let you finish that tale.
You´re someone special, probably to your mom! child like burn from self deprived person who strikes out when insides start to melt, good thing the tounge is in the mouth to lick the flames of charred black teeth, don´t worry keep notice and you´ll be better then you were before but not better then someone else we´re equals you and me and the dog and also that tree we´re equals you see be free with lame rhymes that don´t mean a thing cause you don´t have to stop cause your afraid to keep watch but keep going and look at an open heart who´s no longer hiding from fear.
black worlds are white if you believe.
i feel like my poems are getting weirder and weirder
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