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Oct 2014
                               It can
                         be  observed
                      that men use var
                    ious   methods   in
                      pursuing their o
                      wn personal  obj
                      e ctives,  t h at  is
                      glory and r iches
                      One man proceed
                      s with circums pe
                      ction, another Im
                      petu ousity ; o n e
                      uses violence, a n
                      other stratagem ;
                      one man goes a b
                      out things patient
                      ly , another d o es
            the opposite ;        and yet every
         one , for all  this     diversity of method
    , can reach his ob      jective .  It can  a ls o
     be observed  that     the two circumspect
       men, one willach    ieve his end,  the
              o t h e r                      n o t.
P.131 "The Prince"

Niccolo Machiavelli  (1469-1527)
The  Good  Pussy
Written by
The Good Pussy
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