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Sep 2014
A past is a past I have to move on
But the tears that my heart cries keep rolling on and on
I never sow any Cautions
I never sow no Warnings!
That's why I still cry.

A past is a past, I have to move on

As I carried on taking uncounted steps foward
With my right hand on the left side of my chest
I was like a Pawn in chess
I had no defence, I'm my own defence
No weapon, I'm the AK47 of my life
Thick blood running through my fingers
Symbolising the pain she caused
The lies she feed me with
I gazed at her eyes, I sow pain and anger
The reason why she can not love a man is because she was never raised by one
The love of a man was invisible to her eyes at the age of 1year old

A past is a past I have to move on

Where will I go?
Left or right?
Avenue or street?
East or west?
I sat down and thought...****! I've been through alot
Why didn't I vanish before she broke my only heart
Was I stupid or was I inlove?

But a past is a past I must move on!
Written by
SirDlova  South Africa,Cape Town
(South Africa,Cape Town)   
   SirDlova and ---
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