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Dec 2010
Ye move swiftly as ye haste ter yer cold shore.
Ter stand before the ocean, waiting fer yer long-lost lover.

''How i miss yer sweet tender embrace when it is cold in the morning.
Such a radiant smile to brighten me days'' ye sing.

Yer hills answer in a thankful prayer.
Across the land ye walk alone like a rover.
O woman had yer lover stayed...
Had yer pledge been said...

Lonely and hurt as ye be.
Frozen dew and foggy hills ye see.
Waitin' ter never see him.
Watchin' those boats in a distant dim.

By yer river, before the dead blackening trees, alone ye linger.
Still yer hair radiant, though quiver.
Empty yer heart, cold yer face.
Across the shore i see yer every saddened pace.

I came ter catch yer every tear.
Pity will not hamper me, nor will me fear.
Woman green the hills far away.
Ye nay glad yet have much ter say.

Unto him far ye walked, longing ter his eyes ter look deep.
Ay sweet touch as it is, will seep.
Come behold his light o'er the ocean.
Soft ter touch yer heart, when the storm is mean.
Galman Frederick Ferguson
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