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Dec 2013
I woke up today thinking about you
I woke up today wondering what I'm going to do
Where is the eagle that used to soar high
An eagle that learned how to fly
Never wanting to touch the ground again

You have lost your flight
You fell high from the sky
Now you walk on the ground
Vulnerable to predators
To things that walk on the surface of the earth
What used to be your prey
Have now become your predator

What can I do?
I wasn't the one who taught you how to fly
I see you down there
Not knowing what to do
Or where to go
Going deeper into the dark unknown

Will there be a time I lose sight of you?
Where I can not reach
And watch over you?

We used to fly together
Racing from one cloud to the other
Seeing the sun set and rise
Do you not miss these things?

I hope you don't lose sight of the sky
I hope you don't lose sight of yourself
An eagle who is born to soar high
Flying up inΒ Β the sky where predetaors can not reach

Don't lose sight
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