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Nov 2013
I just want it to be over
I want you out of my life
Out of my mind
Out of my heart

So many lies have happened because of you
So much trust has been broken because of you
I have been broken because of you
But I have to be honest
I am part of the problem too
I let this happen
For too long
It was too long
I kept it going
Thinking your ambitions would change
Thinking you would love me
Not my body
I was wrong
So very wrong
I gave you what you wanted because I thought it would fix things
I wish this never happened
I wish I listened to everyone
And now
I get to face the consequences
So thank you
For ******* up my life even more

I just want it to be over
I. Want. It. To. Be. Over.
I'm scared
So scared
But it's my fault
So do I have a right to be scared?
I should
But I guess I can't
I let it go on
But it's done now

Just be over
Tales of a Broken Girl
   Creepstar, Muse, ---, Raven and ---
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