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Oct 2013
Excellent, a new beginning, a fresh start. Don't you just love that feeling when you start something new, contribute something to existence. It truly is a very amazing thing. What can come from the human mind, are thoughts so complex. Beyond animal instinct, domesticated in such a way that we have made it past just simple civilization. We are interesting creatures, but all in all, we're nothing more than mere animals surviving in the ways that we know how.  

    There are so many things that exist, I'm not being narrow at all. In existence, there are so many things to know, to acknowledge. The down side of that is that we, in our lives, have no chance of obtaining even a fraction of all the knowledge that is floating around somewhere in this plane. So all we can do, is live as much as we can to obtain as much as we are able to. We can still try right?

    I guess the one thing all of us lack nowadays is the incentive to do anything, the will. But one day, all that we've lost will not be in vain. We have the power to make our lives happy, even though most of the times we don't want to.

    Dreams, the quick escape of reality. But do you ever really know if you're dreaming or not? I mean, who says that dreaming has to be in your sleep? I like to feel that I'm dreaming right now. Sitting here at three thirty-six in the morning, unable to sleep and sitting in the dark on my computer, the TV as background noise to keep away a sense of loneliness, typing away ideas like mad. Isn't that dreaming too? You feel immersed in what's happening in creations of your own mind. You ARE the characters. You have the power to make a whole world based around a certain idea, a certain fragment of a thought. You could continue on and on forever.

    What about when you're wide awake? Staring off into space, tapping on your desk. Or lost in your thoughts staring at a wall in your job, doing your work mindlessly, off in another dimension. How is that not a dream? Why can't we escape all the time? Why do we have to set restrictions for things that want to take off and fly?

    Maybe I'm just rambling, hoping someone will listen to my thoughts because I feel that thoughts are one of the most precious things that we have. You could look first glance at someone and think you know who they are, but in all actuality, you have to crack their thoughts, get a look inside to obtain the knowledge of who anyone is.

    People could be anything. That's the scary part. Who to trust, who is going to hurt you, ******* over, leave you stranded on your own. How do you know you actually know someone? How do you know if anyone knows you? How do you know if you know yourself?

    This is what leads us to question reality. To find what's real, what's life. Aside from the spoon fed, structured perfect life the media wants us all to live. The stereotypical people of our country. This is what leads us to break out, to free our minds. To reach the limits and pass the expectations of what anyone could have ever though life was.

    But awakening is only the beginning, what I'm wondering, is what we're all in store for next...
Lyz Elysian
Written by
Lyz Elysian  20/F/America
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