bohemian in appearance his narrow shoes and frilly jacket are useless in the driving rain his careworn expression gave way to alarm as the depths of depravity became the fixation of his neoclassic clique of mouthpeice's they repeat word for word the distorted lens and its bent descriptions they surely the first to be on camera moments into his meltdown his bohemian woman is lead to the gallows by the politically correct daughters of the american revolution they clip her nails and paint them patriotic colors but are rebuffed when they go to shave the star spangled into her crotch hair aint no revolution happenin down there sweetcheeks so she battles to beat the band and wins one for dready's everywhere you can dictate alot of things but honeybunches bedroom ain't one of em his bohemian style looks faded and grey in the modern light of day but given the choices he beats pre-processed sliced cheese product by a frilly jackets mile