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Apr 2022

Our mind knows the ways of this world, but unfortunately our heart accepts it not

That's when the squabble begins, and in an entangled web, we are soon caught.

The ways of the world we know; in front of us, speak people sweetly on our face,

Behind our back, they remarks nasty make or our good names easily disgrace

"Promises are meant to be broken," people say; n seem proud to go back on their word.

Messages very important to us are often ignored, phones are not answered or not heard.

This, people say, is the style of the day, to ignore someone in need, this is the best way.

To give false hope, on the face, is considered a gesture kind, a style, to keep people away.

Unfortunately people good, who in sincerity believe n unnecessary false commitments give not;

Considered are foolish in this world which is cunning, n mean; they  tHese lessons are forcefully taught.

Ahura, what become will, of this world? Will the good change to become bad?

Don't You think you need to do something soon? It's a situation very disheartening n sad.

Armin Dutia Motashaw
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