Sitting pretty in a corner Right next to a heater to get warmer Waiting for the Sweet Absorber of Myself I am my own Torturer Counting each grain of Sand that passes through the inside of the HourGlass Land I’m living in and I’m chewing my tongue just waiting for a line I check it off on my list as just killing time to get through this Mundane Life I couldn’t have been more ready than when he walked into the room He shut down, prepped the table, then pursued to crush his Crystal Cube He made a line in the fine white powder on the tray right in front of my view Smiled at me and said “take it, ****!” My eyes started to tear, my nose got very tingly and then, and then.. ACHOO Off of the tray and half of the table the ******* blew In a snow-like cloud it drifted around as everybody gasped and out back into the air with the carbon monoxide they exhaled They were surprisingly relaxed I look up, still in tears, but this time they’re of sorrow Because my blast got everyone high but me and I’ll have no money until tomorrow I wouldn’t dare ask anyone to borrow for more due to the impression of the amount on the floor Outstandingly, my Mate was cool He said “I’ve got bags of this ****!” But still sent me to the door Kicking my own *** because I don’t think I’ll be getting more