White,naked,realizations. A moment of breaking dawn.
Today Two bright slits of blinding light pry open these tired kohl-lined eyes smudged black. Javelin rays trespass fences of barbed wire, her mascara-ed lashes, playing fortress to teary lakes of dreams and lullabies.
Though yesterday She lay so breakable in his marble arms. her porcelain breast, her delicate heart, so fragile. His breath on her neck, cold, colder than December ice. Alcoholic kisses slow anesthesia in his eyes.
A cascade of ebony curls darker than the midnight sky holds a constellation of beauty spots. But she holds her universe, his face between her tiny palms.
A pair of snow white wrists. His fingers, long shards of glass. A single teardrop on her cheek, pale moon, the consequence of a million scars.
One afternoon after Two thousand years of unending strife Three stubborn blades of a forbidding ceiling fan Orthodox curtains, and the guarding yellow walls were joined by a mirror too shy to watch, her indiscretion, his blatant lie.