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Feb 2010
want to know whats worse than being "owned" by someone? knowing that at
tthat very same person can disown you.
relationships arnt a secruety blanke
ttheyre a tightrope
and im afraid of hights.
why in the world would i want to be in that posistion
to frolick after
one person
out of the BILLIONS of different people
but why would i want to frolick
after anyone?i have myself, my art, my own world
that i love
why should anyone else have the self proclaimed
rightto share my world with me?i dont want to be
that girl
on a mans arm
i dont want to belong to
to have to rely on
i dont want someone elses feelings
that responsibility
weighing medown
into the guilty depths below that tightrope.
Written by
Rune amergin
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