I should've been less 'me', When a glimpse, In the most natural of ways, Made me lose my not-so-hollow days. But, For 'what'?
I should've been less 'me', When these days, Every second,I guess, I tried to be myself less. Just, For 'nothing'?
I should've been less 'me', When I willed, To just go and speak, But couldn't for my 'Self' was weak. Only, For 'you'!
But when I,not being 'me', 'Besieged' you,finding you alone, And spoke to you in the gentlest tone, Only to hear your lips utter a word, Yet unsaid,yet unheard. But you failed me!
And- I dare say,now, You should've been less 'you', Just this time! For 'me'. Just this time?