The troops are worn out, the Army stretched thin, we’re recruiting delinquents, the old and the dim.
We got rid of the gays, to preserve the troops’ purity . Even those who spoke Arabic, no matter how fluently. (Mistakes will be made, for lack of translation. But isn’t that better than eternal damnation?)
We’re telling the soldiers “One more tour of duty.” The program’s called “stop loss;” it might cause mutiny.
The Humvees are patched with armor homemade, that won’t stop the bombs or rocket grenades.
Veterans are stricken with nightmares and fears. Some find no escape from their dreams or their tears.
It’s no longer a war; it’s called occupation. But we don’t seem to know how to rebuild a nation.
We’re good with artillery and planting land mines. But what we can’t do is win hearts and minds.
The lessons of history seem lost on our leaders, who don’t seem to be scholars, but careful poll readers.
There are those we must judge for their lies and their crimes and the grief they have caused in these sad and dark times.
How many years will we take to recover from this ill-planned debacle and it’s not even over? It will take Iraq longer, from all the blood spilled, from the wounds we inflicted-- their country, we killed.
I don't need to explain the disaster in the Middle East. Iraq is still a country, but barely. Sadly no one was judged for their lies or their crimes. And some of the veterans are broken beyond repair.