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May 2016
This one's for my best friend
Who cared for me when I was tiny;
When I was small, big, and grown.
The one who was there
When I was sick
And when I hurt.
The one who will be there,
No matter what.

This one's for my best friend.
The one who has my back
Through thick and thin.
The one who has been there
From the very start
And will always be there
Till the very end.

This one's for my best friend.
The one who loves me unconditionally,
Even when I'm a pain in the ****!
And even when I threw up on her shirt!
The one who sat there and held me as I cried,
Over the scratches and broken bones
And through the broken hearts.
The one who will love me
Till the end of time.

This one's for my best friend.
The one I come home to
No matter how far I strayed.
The one who taught me
By being an amazing role model.
The one who will be there
Forever and always.

This one's for my best friend.
This one's for my mother.
Happy Mother's Day!
Dev A
Written by
Dev A  28/F/New Jersey
(28/F/New Jersey)   
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