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Feb 2016
But there are some who dream not as others dream,
whose is not as others see.
Gaze through strangers eyes,
such are not what they seem by day,
but rule the world by night.

Carved doors opened in their dreams,
“Welcome lustful ladies, re rasped,
Allow me pleeeese to introduce my immortal garden,
I await your beautiful eyeeees
His handsome hand sweeping for their gaze to follow

The Hadein orchestra played, amberic melodies pierced the air,
****** red skies hung low overhead,
A burning path of crystals afire,
His voice poetic,
Come, come ladies into the dreams on a delicious night path,

─ And so they sleep charmed in dreams

His garden sea emerged as though surging with a slow thick tide,
Hot perfumed metallic air hung as ladies giggled,
Endless jewels of weeping eyes looked to he,
─ Pausing to gaze upon a flower, his smile vulpine
His guests lowered fluttering eyes.

Flowers quivered ***** flesh petals glistened,
beaded with sweet blood sparkles,
At each center a lone mortal eye gazed back,
A sea of stem throats slashed,
forever screaming for his pleasure

Thorn ******* sewn with sinew wept blood,
Endlessly, faithfully dripping returning,
below to the blood wine feeding his garden art
Moaning, they the melodies of hades,
And the night masters sermon begins,

─ “Ladies, beautiful ladies allow me to introduce my immortal garden
Seek you me in your garden of dreams”

© 2016 A Sol Poet Arnay Rumens
Created from a dream, a guest in a devils garden ...  A poet who lures the blood of ladies and feeds on the juice blooms of budding sexuality. He promises to immortalize you in a garden you can never leave.
Written by
ASPAR A Sol Poet Arnay Rumens  F/Australia
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