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Nov 2015
I find myself straightening out the welcome mat and making sure the door is unlocked
Dusting the stairs and changing the sheets on the bed everyday
Painting the walls fresh in dark green in hopes that it feels safe for you to come home to
I've always been told to prepare for the things I want and I swear we'll be closer one day
Tracing each others fingertips with our lips and learning the nuances of our voices woven together
We could be like oceans falling into each other and scientists can argue where we begin and end
Tie little memories you have of me to your feet like shadows that engulf the entire room at night
You can be my sun and I'll be your moon waiting to be eclipsed with you
Forgive me when I stumble over my words I just want to tell you everything
I know it will all come out too fast I hope you understand
While I will continue to shake violently I'm ok now I can live with this
The door is unlocked and I'll leave the lights on for you
You're free to come and go as you please as long as you know you can call this home
We can stay up all night holding cups of coffee just to enjoy the smell
I think I could start to associate some other feeling with it if I tried
When it starts to rain I hope this is the first place you think of even if you can't arrive just yet
Just picture those lights and know you can come inside when you're ready
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