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Aug 2011
When I first met you.

I met you first at the reception,
we'd never met before that day.

Your cousins wedding was such fun.
To get in I posed as a waiter and served you.

I saw you and my mind said "wow".
Instant attraction and my eyes stayed on you.

Part of the catering crew, handing you spring rolls.
What fun my best friends big brothers wedding was.

I'd never seen you before but I wanted more.
At reception of cousin and best friends brother.

Clashing Emotions and Doubt

What happened to stable, solid emotions?
They've become a puzzle with a deadline.

My feelings for you are confused and complex.
I don't know what to do, do i like you or not?

Is it possible to like a girl and not know?
How is it possible to find out, when emotions are thrown everywhere?

I can't understand my own feelings for once.
I used to be a master of my own emotions, not anymore...

Like a mystery novel with loss of life at the end,
the solidity has faded and the tables over turned.

The Forgotten Sunset

We watched the sunset from the feild,
orange and purple spread before us.

I don't really remember its features,
your features are all through my mind.

Your pretty feet with bright blue nails,
bare upon the grassy plain.

You asked me if I fancied you,
scared I said, "I don't think so".

Bare feet running through the grass,
painted nails and toe-ring.

The vision of you won't leave my mind,
your beauty beating the sunset's.

The sun went down with beauty bright,
as we watched it I watched you.

Mistakes and Regret

No longer stable and steady like rock.
Floating and free and impossible to guess what's happening.

I used to be in control but now have no idea,
feelings of regret and lost hope, mixing with earlier confusion.

What have I done? How could I betray my feelings?
Fear and the unknown my only excuses.

Strong feelings of loss and confusion flood my mind,
all hopes of order washed out and mixing with *******.

How to solve this dilemma I have made? Life is at stake.
Order and peace have vanished, replaced with regret and wonder.

When I last met you**

Different wedding, different reception. I met you again.
I've only seen you a few times, I wish I could see you more.

Pretending to have fun when all I could think of was you.
No need to act as a caterer this time, eating spring rolls.

Is it possible for you to forgive me?
I'm kicking myself over what I said.

No need to help out this time they are my friends.
I acted like I was having fun with my friends and with you.

Will we ever meet again, sometime in the future?
Will we meet again at the next reception?
Nathan Douglas Day
Written by
Nathan Douglas Day  Nairne
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