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PK Wakefield Aug 2016
"I tried."

After all, "I love you."

(what more could i do?)
PK Wakefield Aug 2016
loving tried sorrily a girl
to make out
of too much whiskey
something which

loves it too.
PK Wakefield Aug 2016
writing–i'm not sure–
maybe this
or that,

to fill perhaps;
between which nothing
is but pale.
PK Wakefield Aug 2016
the tiny thing life has hands making hands into gold against light
flashing against dark and bones beneath skin the smell of roses
and taste of a girl neck drunk in short hair and black nails chipped
catching in the chambers of its heart the easily nothing blood
that makes its hands to make laughter, saltsun, thighs deeply new
and rush thrusting with quiet silk and the neatest trimming of
PK Wakefield Aug 2016
how again these alive with men breaths
go to work and stop their living
on balance and "problem solving"

every morning to make
just stuff with which to have
a little this and a little that of
life and drink merrily with

friends, a neat car
and to
longingly ******
between the lives of others
even more life:

it is completely appropriate;
and to be strange is maybe
responsible if you have an cat and
have to get home early to feed him–

(cats can't feed themselves)

he says under the breaths
he is
going to work
on balance
and "problem solving"

Every  Morning
PK Wakefield Aug 2016
hello dying you look so pretty
in short shorts suddenly
over skin a little,


with increased health
the air up outside my


each graciously
perceiving thigh
a thing full with
lush and wonder




                             groped with hair
                               by gold
                          and like you
                                   dying also

PK Wakefield Jul 2016
this thing has eyes.

its mouth does the wide thing
with flesh and teeth over its
voice which seems easily
keen and darts under its

it can't but hear to speak,
and says softly–somehow:

a dream which dreamily dreams
up the sun scarred air into
the summer sunlashed
,and comes through window
a little gossamer with pale
blankets of downy light.

(you are dreaming, my dear,
in our bed your hair makes
a dark coiling of itself over again
against itself, and the stark pillow
of your nape and breast;

–breath easy–

it is summer within and cooly
shrugs with the light patter
of seawind, gull throats,
and the stuttering jangle
of a somewhere bell-lined

how easy it is to be an orchid,
i think, leaning into my thoughts
and the words on a page
while you sleep
your lips
dallop of your
chest–breathing–and gently:

i kiss you in my mind.
                                         )   )   )    )      )
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