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My name means strong willed
the strongness that keeps me safe and protected
People say my name is *** *** but i don't think so
they give me names that has the meaning of nothing
but i want to be unique different from the rest
My name means the equation of addition that keeps me invovled
My name means wealth surrounds me and when i look around me i see nothing but black and white environment
My name that has been changed from wealth surround me to god to me now it is my middle name
My name means emotion that was given to me from my grandmother  alive but not forgotten
My name means
I will stand up until my legs are paralysed
I will shout out to the every last breathe that i own in my body
I will fight as long as i want until people are tired and they had enough
I will conquer my fears and stand up like a stick with strong backbones
I will give people a benefitting reply until my blood is hot and red
I will live everyday like my last
I will write my words in rhyme and walk on the stairs of hope that is already broken
I will dance along to music of sorrow but i will survive
I will kiss my dreams and say hello to my present
I will my determination as my closest friend
                                  I WILL
You nurture my blood and filled it with contents from the sky
When I undress my skin it is not in danger it is in alienation  it is reality
The interviewer asked if I neglected why little Richard provoked one black emptiness #Your final silence in middle school was Kenny G's lawlessness
When you lose a moon it blinds like trayvon
But the moon is like a piece of your body removed called decoded
The voice that encourage you to jump height of despair
The voice that echoes in your head that you have to focus and jump
The voice that helps you even though
The voice that says get set ready and go no more turning back no more failure just try your best
The voice that makes you laugh until you became  breathless and makes you cry but their shoulders are always free where you can lie your head  on
The voice that says come on you can do it either you are good or not
The voice that supports you in everything whether it is good or not
it is the voice I hear
The voice that shouts out of its own breathe to make you learn one lesson that you are unique
My team is my voice who is your voice
My face is my map
The map of Jigalong written on my forehead
crises after crises
countries after countries
back and forth from other countries to mine
Walking like a never ending cycle
The wrinkles on my face and my white hair that whitens like snowflakes
My dark chocolate skin that melts like butter kept under the sun for too long
My face is my map
The silence of the cold weather and the rolling weights that goes in unison .
The rain drops that goes on my wrinkles is like bomb shell stuck on my face forever
The only thing left is my frown and a rough journey ahead of me
Inspired by an old man from Jigalong an he  walked in his life from different countries and how he might have felt
When you see me
you think am a rude girl
When you see me
you say my name rhymes with bummster
When you see me
You ask me why is there dots on my lips and a mark on my forehead
When you see me
you think am annoying and poor just because I can't afford a lebara scratch card or because I talk to you in the wrong time
When you see me
You think I need help because of my anger
When you see me
You think I am  ugly just because I am black and fat
But what do you see if you look a little deeper
Will you see a rude girl instead of a nice one or will you see anger instead of frustration or you think the dots on the lips mean I am cursed
Whatever you say but do you think I would be broken
This is  my English poem and I hope you all like because it has lots of feeling kept in it
My form class
Everyday in the early morning
My form class gathers into the classroom until our teacher comes his  name is called Mr Davis
My form class
Making noises and having fun, we sometimes even bring out  our phones and headphones
We sometimes even use our teacher's computer to watch films
My form class
Is the funniest place for me to me
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