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  Apr 2014 Olivia Aubrie
Jonny Angel
I love to watch her rise,
gaze into her amber eyes
from afar,
reflecting their beauty
as she draws her bath,
exposes her porcelain,
to the droplets.

And from
my vantage point
I watch her sweetest moments,
fold upon fold,
I am held spellbound,
to her tender caresses,
lost in the rain
& crying joy.
  Apr 2014 Olivia Aubrie
Jonny Angel
Strange, how
when I think of you,
I think of pomegranates,
I think of raging streams
& pistachio ice cream
& the planets.

I think of
your malachite eyes
& whiskey,
& how you made
me feel in Manaus,
smoking twisties.

at 3:31 in the morning,
I was thinking about
your firm thighs
& your tender touch
& the reasons why
I cry.

But mostly,
I think I think
too much.
Olivia Aubrie Nov 2013
I want to be as free as the smoke that escapes from your chapped lips.
Olivia Aubrie Nov 2013
I smell of you
the musky scent of your cologne rubbed into my hair,
my skin
still warm and sensitive to any form of touch
the baby hairs on the back of my neck
your soft, warm breath.
I lean into you
my smile collides with yours
our lips press
our tongues
for the love we so badly desire.
Olivia Aubrie Nov 2013
Muscles sprinting
Spirit lifting
Droopy eyelids opening
Sallow skin brightening
Mind awakening to the twisted,
lovely authenticity of life.
Olivia Aubrie Oct 2013
Coffee and cigarettes
go together
chewed fingernails
circled eyes.
Olivia Aubrie Oct 2013
The thought of you
is like
a cold sore on my tongue;
the pain is dull and
before I have the chance to
get used to it.

— The End —