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Dec 2020 · 100
you will be
Olga Valerevna Dec 2020
you will not know how much you are until they take it all
when every part that profits them means nothing when it’s gone
you’re not the way they paint you and you’re not what’s being sold
you’re not appraised commodity, you’re not what you’ve been told

you’re not a man’s perdition in the absence of The Truth
you’re not a force to conquer by the sin you made him do
you’ll know how much you are when you’ve acknowledged what you hid
and in the very act of, you will walk away from this
“впрочем спасется через чадородие, если пребудет в вере и любви и в святости с целомудрием.”
‭‭1 Тимофею‬ ‭2:15‬ ‭
Dec 2020 · 66
A Sigh in the Eyes
Olga Valerevna Dec 2020
for those who need to see and feel the physical to breathe
there’s always been an element of, “show me You are here”
the movement of Your Spirit led my spirit to Your Hands
and even though I saw them, it was hard to understand

while both my eyes bore witness to the Miracle You are
my body clung to science and the meaning of the stars
by primitive behavior and by ways You spoke against
I tried to learn the heavens with all hell as my defense

I wandered and I wondered and I wore my body down
I made of my own senses nothing more than passing clouds
I tried to let The Meaning of the reason I am here
convince me You’re a thought that I could make to disappear
“Фома же, один из двенадцати, называемый Близнец, не был тут с ними, когда приходил Иисус. Другие ученики сказали ему: мы видели Господа. Но он сказал им: если не увижу на руках Его ран от гвоздей, и не вложу перста моего в раны от гвоздей, и не вложу руки моей в ребра Его, не поверю.”
‭‭От Иоанна‬ ‭20:24-25‬ ‭
Nov 2020 · 68
A Way to Build
Olga Valerevna Nov 2020
if building You bridges is for me
then I’ll pray for the strength that I lack
I’ll give up my hands and my body
Sow through me, bring the prodigals back

if watching Your Gospel unravel
gives me moments to meet You each day
I’ll put on The Eyes of Your Body
and follow Your Steps the Whole Way
“Придя же в себя, сказал: сколько наемников у отца моего избыточествуют хлебом, а я умираю от голода; встану, пойду к отцу моему и скажу ему: отче! я согрешил против неба и пред тобою и уже недостоин называться сыном твоим; прими меня в число наемников твоих. Встал и пошел к отцу своему. И когда он был еще далеко, увидел его отец его и сжалился; и, побежав, пал ему на шею и целовал его.”
‭‭От Луки‬ ‭15:17-20
Olga Valerevna Nov 2020
if any single way in you leads back to your control
I urge you to be diligent and patient with your Soul
lest any piece of human flesh be present in you still
I leave at your discretion: every motive of your will

are you as free as One Who counted loss of self as gain?
or do you have agendas that are printed in your name?
are you the one who holds the pen and writes a story down?
or do you have it in you to be humbled by The Crown?
“Испытай меня, Боже, и узнай сердце мое; испытай меня и узнай помышления мои; и зри, не на опасном ли я пути, и направь меня на путь вечный.”
‭‭Псалтирь‬ ‭138:23-24
Nov 2020 · 59
to let You
Olga Valerevna Nov 2020
if to die little deaths on the daily
is what beckons My Spirit to Life
then I’ll die until I am no longer
to let You within me come Alive

if to open my heart to my neighbors
is the only Commandment I have
then I’ll open it wider than ever
to let You give me strength that I lack

if to put myself into the darkness
is the calling You’ve placed on my heart
then I’ll sing to the beat You made for me
to come find You when I fall apart
“Я каждый день умираю: свидетельствуюсь в том похвалою вашею, братия, которую я имею во Христе Иисусе, Господе нашем.”
‭‭Первое послание к Коринфянам‬ ‭15:31
Nov 2020 · 64
A Song for Julia
Olga Valerevna Nov 2020
if you follow the veins of your struggles you will bleed into hands that hold Truth
and then everything else will mean nothing
for The Story is written in you

not because you contain all the answers
or because it’s your life that’s worth more
it’s because you have chosen surrender
it’s because you have opened the door

if you follow the veins of your struggles
you will learn what it means to be Saved
and when every lesson has found you
you will sing only Hymns from your grave
“Ибо для меня жизнь — Христос, и смерть — приобретение.”
‭‭Послание к Филиппийцам‬ ‭1:21‬
Oct 2020 · 56
when I feel
Olga Valerevna Oct 2020
I feel like I’m ghosting my patterns
but trading them in as I go
does anyone know how to live in
A Place we all hope to call Home?

I feel like I’ve been an imposter
I know all the ways I went wrong
but I cannot sleep without dreaming
my mind tries to carry it all

I feel like a human behavior
too loud to surrender my noise
I crawl on my knees to be broken
so I can remember Your Voice
it is impossible for me to write anything anymore, that doesn’t directly reference and reflect my Source of Truth; it is Biblical.

“For I determined not to know anything among you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified.” 1 Corinthians 2:2
Sep 2020 · 55
Olga Valerevna Sep 2020
though all my crosses bear a weight, they crumble in The Sun
they disappear completely and I slowly come undone
I wandered through a head of space I can’t believe I had
and actively ignored the every question I once asked

though all my choices bear a mark, they don’t define my Soul
they make a way for me to heal as soon as I let go
I recognized the wickedness my beating heart had seen
and actively pursued The Grace that brought me to my knees
it is Biblical.
Aug 2020 · 70
in your DNA
Olga Valerevna Aug 2020
your, “who I am,” is in your head
your day-to-day, your daily bread
your, “who I want and hope to be”
your, “here I am,” and, “this is me”

your, “who am I,” is in your blood
your cell-to-cell, your day en kah
your, “in my dreams I see what is”
your, “I believe in all of it”

you have a mind to know The Truth
and may it always humble you
you have a heart to feel again
and may it always give you strength
Aug 2020 · 57
to see You
Olga Valerevna Aug 2020
have you ever read poets you thought you could trust
while they made of your body a temple of lust
if they portioned your pain into doses of words
they could smother your Spirit and feed you to birds

have you ever been rested enough to decide
you would rather be dead to your flesh than your mind
if you took up the weight of your struggle and fear
you could live in a body that serves as a Mirror
“Ко всем же сказал: если кто хочет идти за Мною, отвергнись себя, и возьми крест свой, и следуй за Мною. Ибо кто хочет душу свою сберечь, тот потеряет ее; а кто потеряет душу свою ради Меня, тот сбережет ее. Ибо что пользы человеку приобрести весь мир, а себя самого погубить или повредить себе?” От Луки ‭9:23-25‬ ‭
Jul 2020 · 82
I have been
Olga Valerevna Jul 2020
I’ve been scraping my knees for a lifetime
just to learn they will always resist
and if I am alive it’s because of
all The Grace that I have to exist

I’ve been clenching my fists for no reason
just to learn that my knuckles need Truth
and if I don’t betray them to nothing
then my life will be honored by You

I’ve been voicing my thoughts for an answer
just to learn that my heart knows Your Name
and if I can be still in Your Presence
then I know You will show me The Way
“Остановитесь и познайте, что Я — Бог: буду превознесен в народах, превознесен на земле. Господь сил с нами, заступник наш Бог Иакова. Слава:”
‭‭Псалтирь‬ ‭45:11-12‬ ‭
Olga Valerevna Jul 2020
if I tell you that I regret nothing
then My Conscience has entered the room
He has already taken my choices
and remade with them all I can do

if I tell you that I am not perfect
then My Conscience is saving my life
He has already bled for my body
and today He sowed Peace in my mind

if I tell you that I will not judge you
then My Conscience is reaping the sow
He has already answered my question
“Who are You that You know how to know?”
“Кто думает, что он знает что-нибудь, тот ничего еще не знает так, как должно знать. Но кто любит Бога, тому дано знание от Него.”
‭‭Первое послание к Коринфянам‬ ‭8:2-3‬ ‭
Jul 2020 · 78
Momma, I’m here
Olga Valerevna Jul 2020
I started to ponder the person I was
and went to seek Life to stop seeking out blood
I turned to my mother, who gave me her shoes
so I could walk freely with her in The Truth

we stepped into soil of different kinds  
and learned to be humbled by moments in Time
I turned to my mother, who gave me her hand
so I could be strengthened again and again

I started to move like The Grace in her heart
and put away fear as I fell in her arms    
I turned to my mother and she turned to me
so I could say, “Momma, your Faith led me here.”
“И, взяв девицу за руку, говорит ей: «талифа́ куми́», что значит: девица, тебе говорю, встань. И девица тотчас встала и начала ходить, ибо была лет двенадцати. Видевшие пришли в великое изумление.”
‭‭От Марка 5:41-42‬ ‭
Jul 2020 · 78
by the time
Olga Valerevna Jul 2020
a thief believes everyone steals, he once thought
but into his pockets he wept
“I’ve taken and sold for a penny to have,”
“and nothing but nothing is left.”

a thief believes everyone hides, he once heard
so out of the shadows he crawled
The Light would reveal every Promise He Kept
the thief was exposed by them all

a thief can exist when there’s something to take
but not when there’s something to give
so Grace can’t be measured or bought for a dime
or sold for a second to live
“Вор приходит только для того, чтобы украсть, убить и погубить. Я пришел для того, чтобы имели жизнь и имели с избытком.”
‭‭От Иоанна 10:10‬
Jun 2020 · 80
Sun Rise, don’t set
Olga Valerevna Jun 2020
The Sun can Rise a thousand times for everyone to see
but dies a single death for one who asks, “can I be free?”
A hundred million answers turn to dust rebuilt by Grace
and Time becomes a Closer Friend than anyone you face
“Ибо, как непослушанием одного человека сделались многие грешными, так и послушанием одного сделаются праведными многие. Закон же пришел после, и таким образом умножилось преступление. А когда умножился грех, стала преизобиловать благодать, дабы, как грех царствовал к смерти, так и благодать воцарилась через праведность к жизни вечной Иисусом Христом, Господом нашим.”
‭‭Послание к Римлянам‬ ‭5:19-21‬
Jun 2020 · 80
Arise Arise
Olga Valerevna Jun 2020
my days have been numbered, my Soul has been bought
by all of the blood I could spill with my thoughts
and there is a Savior where ego once lived
Who grants me His Strength as I learn how to give
my mind was a riot, my heart was a stone
that turned into ashes and Rose when He Rose
a looter, a liar and addict of wrath
was given The Grace to be led to His Path
“Ищите Господа, когда можно найти Его; призывайте Его, когда Он близко. Да оставит нечестивый путь свой и беззаконник — помыслы свои, и да обратится к Господу, и Он помилует его, и к Богу нашему, ибо Он многомилостив.”
‭‭Книга пророка Исаии‬ ‭55:6-7‬
Jun 2020 · 70
Forever the Change
Olga Valerevna Jun 2020
if we change what we say but not how we move
the Truth will uncover the liar we soothe  
and not out of anger and not out of spite
but out of the seeds we have sewn in this life

if we change what we do but not how we speak
the words we have uttered will fall at our feet
perhaps to condemn us, if we should so choose
or maybe to save us from what is a noose

if we change with our heart, we’ll learn by its blood
the things we should say and what needs to be done
not just in the moment, not just here and now
but longer than ever, Forever somehow
“Добрый человек из доброго сокровища выносит доброе, а злой человек из злого сокровища выносит злое. Говорю же вам, что за всякое праздное слово, какое скажут люди, дадут они ответ в день суда: ибо от слов своих оправдаешься, и от слов своих осудишься.”
‭‭От Матфея‬ ‭12:35-37‬
Jun 2020 · 79
The Hymn of the Streets
Olga Valerevna Jun 2020
“I cannot breathe,” he begged through gasps
as minutes moved, his lungs collapsed
the streets would grieve his blood that day
and seek The Poet in his name

if we remain, though he is gone
we have a chance to right the wrong
on bended knee, with head bowed down
it’s you and me - The Time is now
in loving memory of George Floyd, an African-American man murdered in cold blood at the hands of the Minneapolis Police Dept on May 25, 2020.
Jan 2020 · 61
The Last Time
Olga Valerevna Jan 2020
I wanted to sleep but tomorrow    
kept waking me up with a sigh
“the last time you cry,” said my Spirit,
“it will be the last time you cry.”

I started to drift into dreaming
and could not be shaken today  
I made my way out of the darkness
“okay, it’s okay, it’s okay”
in the voice of my Dedushka, “it’s okay, it’s okay, it’s okay.”
Jan 2020 · 49
I’d Give Up
Olga Valerevna Jan 2020
If I lived in a World that I could not see
I’d give up my eyes for A Faith that could lead  
I’d walk on The Water from dusk until dawn
and seek with my feet where Your Body has gone
I’d press on the Temple inside of my head
and lean into Rhythm with every breath
I’d write my whole story all over the stars
for they are the teachers You made with Your Heart
If I lived in a World that I could not see
I’d give up my life on this earth to be free
“ибо кто хочет душу свою сберечь, тот потеряет ее, а кто потеряет душу свою ради Меня, тот обретет ее; какая польза человеку, если он приобретет весь мир, а душе своей повредит? или какой выкуп даст человек за душу свою? ибо приидет Сын Человеческий во славе Отца Своего с Ангелами Своими и тогда воздаст каждому по делам его.”
‭‭От Матфея 16:25-27‬
Jan 2020 · 48
A Thousand Years of Rain
Olga Valerevna Jan 2020
my heart has been the same since it was broken long ago
by everything around me I have slowly come to know
I tried to write The Story but The Story turned to rain    
and left me here, remembering, the lives I’ve spent to gain
a thousand years had passed, or so My Spirit said to me
and I began to realize I had never learned to breathe
I’d given up the energy and patience that I had
to moments I had hoped would be okay when they had passed
“если мы неверны, Он пребывает верен, ибо Себя отречься не может.”
‭‭Второе послание к Тимофею‬ ‭2:13‬
Jan 2020 · 59
What Source are we?
Olga Valerevna Jan 2020
I’ve looked up at the stars enough to see they’re made of dust
but when I close my eyes tonight, they’ll start becoming us
we’ll mold their every pattern into meaningful array
and write them on our bodies while we justify decay
if this defines our magic, let my limbs to not exist  
I’d rather be awake than mock The Hands that whisper, “Give.”
“Я говорю: поступайте по духу, и вы не будете исполнять вожделений плоти, ибо плоть желает противного духу, а дух — противного плоти: они друг другу противятся, так что вы не то делаете, что хотели бы. Если же вы духом водитесь, то вы не под законом. Дела плоти известны; они суть: прелюбодеяние, блуд, нечистота, непотребство, идолослужение, волшебство, вражда, ссоры, зависть, гнев, распри, разногласия, (соблазны,) ереси,”
‭‭Послание к Галатам‬ ‭5:16-20‬
Jan 2020 · 73
A Soul for Salvation
Olga Valerevna Jan 2020
the age-old question once again, came knocking on my wall
“what is the point of being here if there is one at all?”
I took it then, upon myself, to follow answers through
and found myself on humbled knees, gone inching back to You

I thought about the stories I was writing in my head
and traded them for every Word You had to say instead
I gathered all the pages of The Book You gave to me
and saved them like a salve I know my Soul will always need
“В сердце моем сокрыл я слово Твое, чтобы не грешить пред Тобою. Благословен Ты, Господи! научи меня уставам Твоим.”
‭‭Псалтирь‬ ‭118:11-12‬
Dec 2019 · 92
The Fruit of Winter
Olga Valerevna Dec 2019
should I liken myself to a story
I’d ask to be holding the pen
I would wait for Your Spirit to move me
so I could write freely again

should I liken myself to a season
I’d surely be Winter —  defined
I would capture Its cold with my body
and dance with the Snow in my mind

should I liken myself to a harvest
I’d sow only seeds made of Truth
I would humble my heart in Your Presence
and reap every Winter, Your Fruit
“Не обманывайтесь: Бог поругаем не бывает. Что посеет человек, то и пожнет: сеющий в плоть свою от плоти пожнет тление, а сеющий в дух от духа пожнет жизнь вечную.”
‭‭Послание к Галатам‬ ‭6:7-8‬ ‭
Dec 2019 · 109
Prelude to The Author
Olga Valerevna Dec 2019
The Truth about The Author is impossible to know  
without admitting weakness for your character to sow
if there be any question that your person begs to ask
then lay it at the Feet of Love and pray for Words to pass  
the more that you are humbled by Intention’s Purest Form  
the less you’ll be inclined to follow wickedness conformed

The Truth about The Author makes it possible to grow
to reap from the Beginning with a conscience deep in woe
“Итак умоляю вас, братия, милосердием Божиим, представьте тела ваши в жертву живую, святую, благоугодную Богу, для разумного служения вашего, и не сообразуйтесь с веком сим, но преобразуйтесь обновлением ума вашего, чтобы вам познавать, что́ есть воля Божия, благая, угодная и совершенная.”
‭‭Послание к Римлянам‬ ‭12:1-2‬ ‭
Olga Valerevna Dec 2019
if the clouds had eyes, would they ever see you?
would you show them both everything you’ve been through?
if the sky could speak, would you even  hear it?
would you speak in turn, only with your Spirit?
if The Sun came now, would you catch a fever?
would your Soul burn red — follow the deceivers?
if The Truth had Hands, would you long to hold Them?

“would you lay yours down? I will make them Golden!”
“И введу эту третью часть в огонь, и расплавлю их, как плавят серебро, и очищу их, как очищают золото: они будут призывать имя Мое, и Я услышу их и скажу: «это Мой народ», и они скажут: «Господь — Бог мой!»”
‭‭Книга пророка Захарии‬ ‭13:9‬ ‭
Dec 2019 · 170
Where Nothing at the Bottom
Olga Valerevna Dec 2019
if Love can survive in the ocean
I’ll follow its waves to Your heart
I’ll swim with an army of fishes
and wait for the waters to part

I’ll open my eyes for a second
to see if I still see at all
the saltiest part of my body
will seek You where ever You are

if Love is survived by the ocean
I’ll sink like a stone in Your Grace
I’ll wait at the bottom, where nothing
can keep me from seeing Your Face
“Советую тебе купить у Меня золото, огнем очищенное, чтобы тебе обогатиться, и белую одежду, чтобы одеться и чтобы не видна была срамота наготы твоей, и глазною мазью помажь глаза твои, чтобы видеть.”
‭‭Откровение 3:18‬
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