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Seattle Born/São Paulo    A prose bro. All rights reserved.
Feedback is always appreciated, thank you for reading. My blog :
27/Trans Male/The Secret Garden    Trying to sleep, but all I do is dream.
Oli Nejad
UK    Oli is a Creative Writing Graduate and MA Professional Writing student at Falmouth Uni. In the early morning, he's been known to gravitate towards coffee ...
Ryan Kristobak
New York, New York    Doctoral candidate at Columbia University
Tim Knight
Connor Smith
I have been dreamed.
Christopher Tolleson
Arkansas    I'm trying to win against my writer's-block.
Emily Katherine
Emily, 23, Massachusetts.
personal hell    Unimportant.
Subconscious on Parade
PNW Dryad and Stargazer
Grab a gun step inside
Simply put, I'm without Jack.
A mesmerizing medley of mind-states mingles with the shingles on the roof of my mouth. Two of my biggest inspirations: Dax Riggs of Acid Bath ...
Conor Oberst
This is a HelloPoetry account I have created to honor Conor Obersts work. I do not claim any right to any of it. It is ...
Ofelia Rose
I write from my soul, a stream of consciousness. Neither rhythm nor rhyme lead me.
Keith J Collard
43/M/Dedham, MA    Welp, Hawthorne was right, the devil sold massachusetts everything it needed.
Riq Schwartz
I will write until my muse is silenced and my fingers deny their dexterity. Words will spring from me until the font runs dry and ...
James Ellis
31/M/Minneapolis, MN    An MFA candidate at the School of Letters in Sewanee, TN.

— The End —