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c Mar 2020
He tried so hard to forget about my existence,
making me feel insignificant to this world.
Please don’t forget me.
Please don’t forget me and all the things we did,
all the songs we listened to,
all the times we laid on the cold pavement of Dean
with our bodies intertwined
and our minds not fully comprehending the concept of love.
Please don’t forget me.
c Mar 2020
In the outskirts we stayed, away from the chaos of the city we longed to run away to.
A place where we were brainwashed to believe was our safe haven, away from the “destruction” of the city
We’d roam the streets when the moon would shine, bored out of our minds.
Hoping to create distraction from our lives before the sun dies.
c Mar 2020
There's something in my chest
Weighing me down
I’m beginning to feel the dreariness,
Fatigue sets in my weary bones
As I sit frigid and fearless for hours in the snow
If I lay here long enough, maybe my thoughts will solidify and my eyes will flutter closed.
c Mar 2020
She laid in her bed, darkness enveloping her body.
Her mind was full of thoughts that she struggled to fathom,
and she wished the world could turn off her insecurities.
She never understood why he did what he did.
She never understood how someone who could mean so much, could leave you, making you feel as if your existence is insignificant.
She wondered if he regretted what he did
If the thought of her still danced in his mind.
If he ever heard the strum of the guitar in those few songs, and remembered the many moments they spent dancing in the moonlight to the melody.
She wondered.
She wondered.
But she still struggled to accept the fact that she would never know.
He was ambiguous, perplexed, bitter sweet, and selfish.
And somehow she managed to fall in love.
c Dec 2019
I wish things worked out differently between you and I. I wish I understood the hatred you have towards me and I wish you could understand my frustration. I remember that time at Paton when we laid on our backs, the pavement cold against our skin but the warmth of our bodies side by side making it worth it. “Do you think if we lay here long enough we can feel the earth move?” I fell in love with you that night. Under the stars, laying on the cold pavement in the middle of the park that I can never drive by anymore because I’ll think of you and the many moments we spent feeling the earth move.
c Apr 2019
How can the thought of one person take so much space up in my mind?
He's the ocean, consuming my thoughts.
about a boy
c Mar 2019
I wish I could run away. From myself. From the thoughts that stream through my mind. From the creatures that peer into my soul. I wish I could escape the thought of you. The boy who doesn't think twice about the girl who's thoughts of him float endlessly through her mind. I don't know why I think of you always, I really don't. When I find myself doing it, there's a part of me that wants to run. There's a part of me that wants to **** the thought of you in my mind. To you? Well, I was simply a soul you encountered. To me? To me you were the bitterness in the cold.
to a boy who doesn't care
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