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 Dec 2015 Nicki Tilston
Tina ford
Some poets are *****,
In fancy hats,
Spouting this and that's,
About next doors cats,

Some poets are higher,
Than an aeroplane flyer,
Shouting this is dire,
Down a microphone wire,

Some poets are seen,
As the old has been,
Swearing blue is green,
We know what they mean,

Some poets are ****,
And act like a twit,
Speaking filth and grit,
Boring??? A bit!,

But others are cool,
Done nothing at school,
They don't play the fool,
Their poetry is fuel,

It lights up a world,
For this working class girl,
They make life unfurl,
In an alphabet swirl,

They open the door,
To a life so secure,
Saying we can do more,
Giving dreams to the poor,

Some poets I admire,
For their burning desire,
Their words are on fire,
Of that I'll never tire.
 Dec 2015 Nicki Tilston
Tina ford
I won't put her in a place where she'll be forgotten,
Where the floors are ***** and the bedclothes are rotten,
Where others will taunt her and strip her of pride,
And watch her slowly wither, when her soul has died,

I will keep her and love her, as she loved me,
I will cook clean and sew, her mother I'll be,
And for that I'll be thankful and keep in my sight,
As I pay back the love, that she gave so right,

I will cherish each moment, as if it were new,
I will learn things each day, as students do,
Coz I've not done this before for my mother you see,
I will feed her and clean her like she did for me,

I will learn her new songs and make her laugh,
I will tell her the stories from each photograph,
I will speak of a woman who is the queen of my life,
I will speak of a mother and a wonderful wife,

And she will listen as though she knows,
And nod her head as her memory grows,
And look at me through eyes that knew me then,
And hold me and make me feel home again,

And at night when I tuck her in bed,
I will lay a kiss on her beautiful forehead,
And whisper I love you, forget me not ever,
Because my love for her no one can sever,

And in the morning she won't be alone,
I won't be a voice on the end of the phone,
I will do what it takes to make her feel free,
And thank her daily for the life she gave me.
 Dec 2015 Nicki Tilston
Tina ford
We all know what it is,
The wish we silently wish,
It's in the very first kiss,
Of Christmas,

It's what we all believe,
But so hard to achieve,
But we know what we wish,
With the very first kiss,

It's peace for all mankind,
Leaving no one to fall behind
Together lets all wish,
With our Christmas kiss.
 Dec 2015 Nicki Tilston
Tina ford
My blood is the ink for this poem,
My thoughts are the words written true,
My soul is the paper that holds them,
My heart is the message for you.
 Dec 2015 Nicki Tilston
Tina ford
Time don't matter to me,
I've been all I ever could be,
I've finished the end of the book,
It's my life, take a look,

Because time is but a space in our universe,
That has to be filled in so right,
And time well spent is a blessing,
That's given with our birthright,

So try to use it wisely and true,
Coz after all it's the best you can do,
Live your life well, be good, be kind,
Then time won't be lost, it'll all be fine,

Because time is but a space in our universe,
That has to be filled in so right,
And time well spent is a blessing,
That's given with our birthright.
 Nov 2015 Nicki Tilston
Tina ford
Wake up,
Shake up,
Sit up,
Make up,
Tea in a cup,
Slowly sup,
Now I feel alive,

Leave home,
Travel alone,
Mobile phone,
I'm a clone,
Skin and bone,
All alone,
How am I alive,

Work all day,
Pittance pay,
Never play,
Bills at bay,
Feelings flay
Smile and say,
I wish I was dead.
 Nov 2015 Nicki Tilston
Tina ford
Don't do drugs
I don't do drugs,
They're for mugs,
And thugs,
And used to exterminate bugs,
I don't do smack, crack or nick knack paddy whack,
I don't do green its not clean, you don't know where its been,
I don't do drugs,
I don't do **** or fizz there all a pile of ****,
I don't do rush bush or the silent hush,
I'm scared to trip, or take a dip, specially with me plastic hip,
I just don't do drugs,
I don't do coke, the smoke, the devils poke,
The line of fine, is a crime, you'll get time,
Don't do drugs,
It's for mugs,
And thugs,
But mostly they're used to exterminate bugs.
 Jul 2015 Nicki Tilston
Tina ford
My suitcase is packed,
Memories within,
Won't fit any more,
As it's full to the brim,

Down at the bottom,
My memories from old,
Just beneath my jumpers,
That stop me being cold,

Just above them,
My adolescent years,
Leaving school and working,
Facing adult fears,

Marriage and family,
Lay on top of all that,
Five beautiful children,
Three dogs and one cat,

Then it's an empty layer,
But not to be treated less,
This is when the kids left home,
When they fled my loving nest,

In between are memories bad,
I tuck them to one side,
Or cover them up with happy times,
I still remember when I cried,

Then comes more difficult ones,
I struggle to remember them all,
But some I do intermittently,
I try so hard to recall,

So please forgive my memory,
It's not how it used to be,
But I'm still that same old person,
Who loves you for eternity,

I still have all the memories,
Packed tight inside my case,
Sometimes I just can't find them,
But you can find them on my face,

My wrinkles tell my story,
My eyes hold all my dreams,
My old and frail body now,
Is not all it was it seems,

But I'm here, I'm still here,
Just look at me, with my case,
You will see my life and memories,
In layer's etched on my face,

My suitcase is packed,
Memories within,
Won't fit any more,
As it's full to the brim.
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