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I've been feeling so alone, I've been replaying her story to fill in the empty spaces. I'd bring her home, then take her out to a few places. I will replay her story to see her smile. I'm daydreaming of her again. I know I shouldn't, but I'll leave my doors open. She can call, she can show up, she can have my attention, hell she could possibly have it all. All I want is the be the cause of her smile.
May 23 · 37
Dating rant
Nellie 55 May 23
If I had a rose returned from every girl I attempt to talk too, I believe my hand would be full of scars. I guess I have a odd face with a slight attitude. Sorry sweets I don't trust easy I've been alone since I was about 22. Not like I'm the only one talking to you. I went from being first in line and used to play varsity. Seems like I'm now benched and became a ******* alternate.
***** the difference, I'm still the best anyone can offer. Who cares who's hotter? At least I know where my loyalty falls and I know where her words lie.
I throw salt at the ghost when they avoid saying good bye.
May 21 · 31
A good day
Nellie 55 May 21
I felt a good feeling surrounding me.
Everyone was just laughing, smiling, and dancing.
I've wondered how many people were here to just escape.
I didn't think too much, I've had a few to drink and some really good food to eat.
I'm genuinely happy in this moment.
If I can rewind time I'd come back for a minute to just hold that moment.
The sky had beautiful clouds, the music was beautiful and loud. Genuinely happy to be a part of this crowd.
May 21 · 25
Nellie 55 May 21
She began asking....why am I so heavy to carry? I've got a few answers and a dozen of secrets I've had to burry. Her mistakes began holding her hostage, under these leaves I've raked and bagged some new escape strategies. Darling not everyone is as bad as they seem. At least the people you dislike are honest about one thing.
Depression and trauma is all the weight you've carried, in agony I've seen you walk these mountains but the views always great. If only you began to noticed the strength and knowledge you gained. I'd always be ready to lift you off your feet so you wouldn't feel so heavy.
May 14 · 19
Gloomy poetry
Nellie 55 May 14
Avoiding the feeling of being under water. But in I'm on my feet and I'm perfectly grounded but I'm still drowning.
My plans kept breaking.
Hopes and dreams seem so distant.
Clouds fog my surroundings, misty out, and I'm cold I began coughing. I warm beverage but I'm still cold. Some tunes to put my tears at ease in this barely dim lit room.
I long for attention but I don't bring any home with me.
Apr 26 · 58
Dark thoughts
Nellie 55 Apr 26
I've got these dark spots, breaking the walls and all my locks. I've got these dark thoughts, with a dark cloud chilling on top. Thought about death and even self destructive intentions. If only you can watch the **** I imagine. My heart told me to go to bed, but I chose to drown in my head. Imagine drinking to feel alive, but happiness began to be deprived. I can see myself go up just to fall deeper down. I'd put out the flames with gasoline, drown under water to avoid my scream. Talking and daydreaming of love finding me. But like Nemo I'm lost and my dark thoughts put me far and I can't be found. I'll keep myself in a isolated box, ship myself away so you can't imagine these dark thoughts. Drink pure glass and rocks. A sharp rough forced entry. Swallow that **** with a barbed wire wrapped around me. What the ***** going on with me? Now I smile at the thought of being violent, I cry when a beautiful gesture caused these thoughts to be so silent. Maybe I shouldn't be alone when I get these dark thoughts.
Apr 11 · 35
Nellie 55 Apr 11
You've claimed to be hopeless
I've got faith in you and I wish for you to stay focused
The storms here on purpose
You're not worthless
It's just that negative debt
Sadness and trauma ready to collect
But you've got my love yet
I'll redirect you until you've rejoice banging out of your chest.
Never been perfect, I've always been the opposite. But I'm down to fight til I've got nothing left. Me, myself, and I! I've always been that great guy. With no one hardly by my side. Hardly a close half part of me, but I've learned that peace comes violently. It's all in your head, just don't make yourself a regret. Sometimes the brightest of lights go dim.
Nellie 55 Apr 3
On her first page,
Her story skipped to his suspense.
Where did the sins come from?
I don't think this is how love begins.
I'm not all that basic, but a chapter taught me all I needed to know.
Give me a smile full of commitment.
Allow my desires to be half innocence.
Take me to a different place, somewhere to allow my securities to feel safe.
But I believe my story was too scary for hers.
Her tears formed and drowned me under.
Even the darkest moments can be just as beautiful as the lights she brought me.
Her cover of her personality was so beautiful and she never judged mine by my cover.
Sometimes the perfect match burns not just the Bridges, but can also burn a place where you call home.
Mar 16 · 11
Inner child
Nellie 55 Mar 16
I've been distant from the ache, lost in waves. All from window pain. Guardians wrapped blankets around me to secure my sights, but my ears brought my fears to life. I've watched grown adults fight over me, just to have me for a night.
Promised myself my eyes won't spill, I think I need a pill. At least my family would bandage the broken home. I chose to stay alone.
I've always been safe and secure laying down, wasn't sure if I'd a been safe and sound. But I knew the arguments would knock that family tree down. In my head I visualized our BBQs and now we struggle to eat. I wished I'd a been back to a secure place. Not a corner where I beg and plead for peace.
Feb 29 · 26
Nellie 55 Feb 29
With the conversations, actions, and sins.
I've began to admire the scars from her skin. They told me stories, chills ran through me and I got cold.
Now I'm all alone.
Good riddance for that but still gonna miss the texts from my phone.
We detach ourselves with things that were tooooo toxic for us to get attached.
Now I'm on a trip to seek myself again.
******* for causing my feels to be open.
I'll be ****** if I allowed your scars and fresh wounds to cause me to be broken.
If I'm a excuse, I hope blood don't drop out of a deep end. *** is my self harm, maybe you should try it. Beats having open thighs with a half slit wrist. I guess it's good that I never gave you a good bye kiss.
Feb 23 · 44
(User Unavailable)
Nellie 55 Feb 23
From the day we met to the day you left.
Always had each other's back naturally.
Miss the way we'd take care of each other because we knew toxic relationships and misguided intentions.
You'd care for me like I was the last sincere soul in your life.
The way you'd doll yourself up for me, the way you'd put my interest of beautiful things into your nails.
Such as color, vibe, and what I thought was pretty in the moment. Hell at one point you got your nails done inspired by Tim Burton.
(You knew me well)
The smile you give me when I noticed those things. I was so gullible and so dumb to realize you went out of your way to make me go at awwww
Coffee breaks and lunch breaks during shifts. You'd follow behind me to clear sections for guests, you hosted my feelings to a safe place. You remembered how I loved my coffee and you motivated me to stay sober, to stop dipping, to stop smoking. To be at peace. But it was you that peaced me out. You had gone and left.
Feb 17 · 21
She wouldn't love me
Nellie 55 Feb 17
She'd not fallen the height I fell for her.
The way she smiles at me to make me feel so secure.
The allowance of my hand being held by hers.
She wouldn't love me even if I begged every pulse she has pumping through her heart.
She'd not feel the same nor even be filled with exuberance with a sound of my voice.
She wouldn't love me no matter how much I change, she wouldn't love me no matter how much I shield her from potential pain, she wouldn't love me even if I told myself I wouldn't love her the same.
I wouldn't love me either.
I deserve peace and what I'm searching for has to put me through hell and back again to seek out the peace I deserve.
So I'll say it once more.
No matter how much I desire her and admire her....
She wouldn't love me
Feb 13 · 88
She fell
Nellie 55 Feb 13
Her smile gestured a secure blanket over my smile.
It's no wonder I felt warm when her lips pressed against mine.
She don't really have to acknowledge me when I do anything for her.
The way she looks at me has done that for me.
I've once fell at someone's feet for them to rake and bag me.
I get a strong feeling this one would let me roam free in the yard.
Falling for the idea for love is a bit crazy for me.
It's interesting and scary at the same time.
Each time is cliche as it sounds, but I sure love learning more about myself when she describes why she liked me.
If I fall in love all I ask is for you to outlive me so I don't have to go another day without you.
Feb 5 · 26
Nellie 55 Feb 5
Honestly what is power to people?
It can be family, it can be Loyalty, it can even be something as strong as a addiction.
Love is powerful.
Why is love thrown somewhere so deep and tough to dig up?
I don't have that answer
But I do know one thing.
It still reaches into my heart.
Pumps the blood in my veins.
But power is something someone is strong enough to lose and gain.
You'll lose a lot on the way, you'll gain some as well.
But don't allow power to be your addiction.
Feb 3 · 24
Wiscon point
Nellie 55 Feb 3
I've been kind and polite
That should of been a warning
But y'all done and ****** up now
Lete explain my anxiety attacks
I've been there but got no one to understand whats on my back
Like you comprehend my **** to understand that
I'm there for the most but I'm the one stabbing backs
Nah I'm trying to vibe
Stay by my loved ones side
People come to me to hide
But I'm to listen and to be "alright"
You know what I'm at the point and about to pop a poll and a few drinks
Who the **** cares what I think?
About to watch that light house
About to dip my toes and ice cold
But **** it at least I'm not at home
Feb 3 · 77
Chub lake
Nellie 55 Feb 3
A trip to a lake
My heart had to break
A few drinks deep
If I was okay do you really think I'd a still had the nerves to speak?
A ice cold drink chilling on the doc with me
It's so peaceful
I wished to be happy
Memories flooding
This lake gave me waves
Time to go and be brave
Jan 31 · 89
If we fell
Nellie 55 Jan 31
The harder I tried to seek us out, the doubts in my securities screamed so loud. As a gentle lover, I've come to agreements with my over thinking and man they've become so violent. My heart sang and beat my chest. But in person I'm so silent. A cry for attention put my begging to a rest.
If we fell....
I'd come up with 365 ways to show my love for you. But put on repeat until you give me no reason too.
What's a valentine?
Jan 28 · 30
Nellie 55 Jan 28
I've been living off anxiety and that **** made me restless.
No sleep again my body felt disrespected.
Pills offered to rest my sanity, but the thought of that sparked flames under my anxiety.
My nightmares destroyed the reality in my brain.
I can't tell if I'm going insane.
A sip of a drink, to silent the inner innocence that caused me to over think.
Nel you good?
NAH, but I will be.
I've got to be.
To be honest I just want to be happy.
But how does one restless soul go to sleep?
With out the R I P?
Let me think? Or let me drown uncontrollably.
Drunk poetry
Jan 17 · 35
Nellie 55 Jan 17
His silence is not all the quieter.
The silent that brought chills that brought goosebumps. The discomfort of his expression, the temptations to request any conversation. His silence screamed so loud as if the actions brought out the sounds. His silence cut deeper than any blade, his silence brought agony to pain. Was the silence necessary or was it traumatic moment for him to realize his own silence? As if the sound waves drowned him into deep thoughts. As if he had any thoughts running in his head. His silence brought fear for his safety.
But why so silent? What was the reason behind this?
Jan 17 · 30
Nellie 55 Jan 17
I've always been the first and the last to offer my attention.
Never been much for begging for any in return.
At least not sober me.
If I were to walk on coals I'm so sure I wouldn't burn.
I'd be cold.
But is it really different than any of my inner thoughts?
Placing bets on my questions that glow.
I'm certain I'd win them all because it's unfortunate but true.
I'm lost and kind of alone.
The difference between you and I is that.....
I'd always give.
Some how you'd be the first to receive and forget.
Jan 17 · 27
Nellie 55 Jan 17
It was your failed intentions that ****** me up, the way you impulsively hurt me me. The way sins blushed your cheeks as tears rolled down mine. Love was meant to hurt me and drive me mad. But I've always loved so madly.
Once upon a time I'd day dream of the right one treating me right. Dates under the dark sky under a blanket of stars. The comfort of a presence.
But now I'm insecure and would rather do what I'd imagine any broken soul would do. I'd smile and tell others I'm fine.
Jan 12 · 32
Nellie 55 Jan 12
I've been warned to not fall so easily.
But I'm clumsy.
I fall for actions followed up with some attention.
Can't say I'm receiving any of that in return.
Love is so cliche also very difficult to learn.
Most love now a days are toxic.
A argument is
A compliment is
"A insecurity"
But what do we call fear?
Maybe so, but I'm sure you're following a long with what I meant.
I guess I'll have to give it a chance one day.
Jan 12 · 31
Random choice of words
Nellie 55 Jan 12
I've never been perfect.
Never wanted that pressure.
I've always been the first responder.
But I'd be begging and pleading,
Searching for a station on the radio that never existed,
Along with no comforting sounds receiving.
I've been talking to walls and forget what they've said.
Knuckles defending my insecurities as they bled.
I'm reaching out to be left on read.
Jan 2 · 27
Not bad
Nellie 55 Jan 2
Couldn't fight the good that turned out to be kind of bad.
I tell myself I didn't deserve any of that.
Had a few tears and a couple of laughs.
Recycling a bit of me to bring myself right back.
I believe I can repair the broken,
Should have not allowed myself to be that open.
Mistakes made me.
Success destroyed me.
Anxiety hits uncontrollably,
Now I'm learning it's not all that bad.
Once again I'll learn from all of that.
Dec 2023 · 43
Nellie 55 Dec 2023
Headphones on
Music loud
Shuffle playing
Shhhhh don't sing along
But I'm staring at the ceiling
The lyrics per song had me feeling
Now I'm over thinking.
Hush now think softly
Tell me to go at ease on my body
Headphones in
Some songs on repeat.
Dec 2023 · 35
Most nights
Nellie 55 Dec 2023
Tossing and turning in a dim lit room.
I'm cold, I'm warm, I'm sweating, I'm shivering. **** indecisive restless body. Tell me to go to sleep most of the day to stay awake all night. Mood enlightened but then loneliness kills that vibe. I'm up again most nights. Headphones in again, sleep is something I'm hoping for. I can't tell sometimes if I'm a be alright. But awake again as the sun rises. Chain smoking when I'm tired of being awake. But awake when I'm tired. Back to a daydreaming world. I'm as happy as can be as reality storms. What am I actually awake for? Exhausten comes in many forms.
Dec 2023 · 159
Nellie 55 Dec 2023
Attached to a heart with no pulse.
Wrapped around the finger but my attention was paid through impulse.
Picked me up to my knees had me pleading.
Depression had me bleeding.
I'm no longer hardly speaking.
Only voice anyone's heard was a non sober one.
I guess that's why I shouldn't be allowed to love.
But why am I writing love notes to agony?
Is this the only hope I've got left in me?
Can you imagine caring for someone so much?
But my sincerity goes further away from their direction.
Either I am meant to be a toy and rolled up & down wrapped around their fingers....
Or I'm meant to lose my pulse knowing I took my anxiety attacks too far.
Dec 2023 · 66
Nellie 55 Dec 2023
The air dark with the weather cold.
In bed still stuck in my head.
Tossing and turning, holidays still burning. But I'm frozen.
Is this what it's like to be numb?
A rush of confusion as the hours burry me in my pillow.
Tears flooding, stomach growling, heart pounding, and I still have no motivation.
Go ahead and fire me.
Go ahead and hang out without me.
Go ahead and ignore me.
My eyes are a bit preoccupied anyways.
Cold waves, air suffocates me.
I'm paralyzed with depression.
I don't need no counseling.
I'm a try to sleep the world away.
Part one.
Dec 2023 · 42
Nellie 55 Dec 2023
With the voice of a siren.....
I can still see myself getting lost in those eyes. Abandoned ship! I'm floating the dark ocean. No where to swim too. Just the night skies with a siren singing to me. I'm unsure if it's a trap or the key to my safety. With a voice like that? How could it be a trap? A kiss so sinister and the feeling of being secure. Where do I go from here? Once upon a broken smile? I'm brain washed from this voice. My body aches and I'm tired. I'm sore, I just don't want to swim anymore. If you're going to swim with me.....
Then swim and don't drown me.
Dec 2023 · 40
Dads iPod
Nellie 55 Dec 2023
Hey dad I've been anxious. Dad I have not been sleeping. Hey dad I've got a stable job. Dad what's it like watching me grow up? Hey dad I forgot to take it slow when I get shots and mix drinks lined up. Dad, I wish you can hear me right now as I'm driving through town listening to your iPod.
I'm just talking to myself and jamming to a childhood playlist. I leave everything how you left it. I swear music was the only way we got each other to listen. Dad I wanna have a reason to listen to your playlist as I cruise the night away. Hey dad, I understand what it's like to be deprived from sleep now. Hey dad, I wish I could hug you. Hey dad I love and miss you, that's a feeling I've got no shame putting on repeat. I'll shuffle life away, but I'll still put your laughs and smiles on repeat. Just wish you'd be able to talk to me. I miss your advice and your sarcastic jokes while teaching me a lesson. But it's fine now.... I've got dads iPod
Dec 2023 · 39
Nellie 55 Dec 2023
I should probably turn off my phone.
Drinking habits began from a broken *** home.
Brain washed from toxic relationships and toxic habits.
Here's a shattered heart anyone can have it.
How are you not cold? How are you holding on?
I once learned how to swim from thin ice, I've became my own anchor.
I've been doing most on my own.
This is the part where you don't get to see me open up.
I'll swim myself to safety.
Dec 2023 · 36
Writers block/list?
Nellie 55 Dec 2023
I don't I can ever compete.
A trillion thought hite at once.
Can't write, can't think, can't eat nor sleep.
Just some dark poetry.
A little bit of Breaking Benjamin to get me through my anxiety attacks.
***** they come in waves. I forget to journal and forget to write words.
For better possibly for the worse.
I can't forgive anyone but myself for the ones who had my hurt.
Jokes on you I can't write to express myself tonight, that's all you'll be able to read from my poetry.
Dec 2023 · 40
Northern Night
Nellie 55 Dec 2023
I wanted what you wanted.
Time spent under the stars, I'm enjoying you from up close and from a far.
Loud music and drinks from your car.
Northern lights flooding the sky. We left early, but the Eskimo kisses had me blushing with colors. Northern Nights with each other.
I would like to hold your hand again, this night is amazing especially when I spend it with you. I held you so close. We was jamming in my front seat. Northern night with no lights to see. But it was your northern smile that lit up my eyes.
Them Eskimos tho
Nov 2023 · 64
Nellie 55 Nov 2023
I've been searching all over the the place for myself. To be honest I'm glad I've never really had help. Had plenty of support, not when it's about mental health. I think what I want. I'm letting go before I allow myself to be drunk and numb. But let's pretend I'm successfully doing that first. I tend to think of the worst. Unable to forgive myself for those whom I've hurt. But I keep busy and I'm finding myself lost with work. I've had plenty of opportunities to explain my emotions but I'm usually lost at words. Once I find myself I'm a illuminate myself so I can see when darkness takes over.
Nov 2023 · 214
Hmmmm :)
Nellie 55 Nov 2023
A sip of desire, a beautiful smile had me inspired. Voice of a siren, kisses had me dying.
I'm at a struggle but her smile put me on my feet. Have no idea what this means. Beautiful selfies from a queen.
Feels got better
Wished to write a letter
Soft as a feather
Her Hand held mine together
Hmmmm a smile
A kiss
Tell me and show me that there is a place better than this.
I'll wait, but until then I'm mentally at peace.
Even the Eskimo kisses got me blushing bro 😎
Nov 2023 · 44
Idk man i suck at titles
Nellie 55 Nov 2023
A moment to own.
But a moment to let go.
Vulnerability like a disease.
But I've got to put my soul at ease.
How do you erase a feeling?
How do you delete a chapter in your life?
Too late not possible.
You can make edits, you can put in corrections. But you can not delete. Letting go is a huge roll before your next chapter. Being toxic is curable, you've just gotta stop being vulnerable.
"Will you re-read your chapter?
Are going to move on to the next? "
I'm moving on to the next page.
Nov 2023 · 52
Nellie 55 Nov 2023
The feeling of nothing, the urges to want something. How do I search for motivation? I'm in bed Isolating, I kind of feel like deteriorating. Can't tell if I'm in shock or if that I'm just numb. I've got a empty feeling and I wish to be done. The weight on my shoulders, the curiosity of a dead lift. Why must everything be so heavy. I wish to a struggle but I'm honestly feeling empty.
Nov 2023 · 47
Nellie 55 Nov 2023
I just listened to all of your messages on my phone, still some how comforting but I'm on edge and I felt so alone. We both had a great adventure, you and I kept each other safer. But a storm struck and put you at danger. I'm at a lost of words, **** really hurts. With the words I could of said, they're now trapped in my head. Too the moon and back baby, been missing you a **** ton lately. I don't think I'll ever recover, but I'd still repair myself and hope I can put it back together. I miss sending you letters. Darling you deserved better. I came accross old pictures I forgot about. Laughed out loud, cried silently. Now my storms full of panic attacks swarming my chest with anxiety. Hello darling I miss you so much, a voicemail to get me through for a moment. You're quotes "I love you"
Got me through after a moment of hyperventilation. I wish to squeeze you and hold you for life. How do I accept reality because this **** isn't right. Cupcake I love you and I'll be sure to take it easy tonight.
I'll take care of your type writer
Oct 2023 · 55
Nellie 55 Oct 2023
She hinted I took it toooo far, but I was just sipping beer and whiskey at my favorite bar. Might of pregamed too much, love and flirts is just far enough. I'm built tough, but my desires were more than enough. I played too much at a bar, I really hope I didn't take things too far.  A reset and restart. I'm a take safety courses for my and others heart. Pray and hope I don't break or go too far. Limits needed to be reached, but I was vibing and cruising past the recommended speed. I'm a learn how to take it easy, I should of known better. My sincere apologies I hope to make peace or at least make things better.
Oct 2023 · 64
Poor me or pour me?
Nellie 55 Oct 2023
Low key trying to respect myself. I've been battling some mental health. It's concerning to my loved ones and they believe I need to seek some help. Have been ignoring myself,  I'm no stranger to hell. My heart pleads, got my soul praying on my knees, and impulsive thoughts to make these wrists bleed. Never ever felt so weak. So I'm see myself, when I'm ready I'll get some help. Slowly working out by itself. No concerns here. I've been repairing my heart, I've built up these walls. I'm defending my emotions, I black myself out I'm a lose more than just my control. A sip of dark liquor to illuminate my way. I'm drowning in shots that drown me in their waves. I'm lying in bed telling the world I'm okay! I'm getting wasted to dance away my internal pain. I'm conflicted and I forget how to find my way. I'm on a date with regret and depression. I laugh out loud and take more shots to feel nothing.
Would rather slam Bourbon and Whiskey.
Oct 2023 · 54
Nellie 55 Oct 2023
First step and a couple back, I've paced myself to run this track. Free from me, free from hell, free from a snare I've gotten out of a cell. I've wondered what freedom felt like. Can't really tell you, but my heart can show you. I've been on the move, I've fought like hell because I've got my love to lose.
I'm free from a toxic drug, I'm free from the old me. I barely met the new me. But in love with the way I've handled me. Can't begin to express how good it feels to drop those reps. Every thing was so heavy and now I've got no stress. Can't even say I've got regrets, I was the change and now I'm free to seek happiness.
Sep 2023 · 886
Be yours
Nellie 55 Sep 2023
I just want to be yours. Keep you on the safe side of the sidewalk and open the doors. My own personal queen, my loveable human being. Love falls and I'm raked up. Safer wrapped in your hands. Your smile branded in my head, daydreaming of us chilling in bed. Conversations that don't end. I need you all the time, I need you to be mine.
Last relationships I've had weren't much better, but for you I'll give you my forever. Harder to accept but I won't allow me to fall with out a parachute. Maybe that's why I'm falling harder for your view. A love so unique and new. Hopefully you'll be the only one I can officially say..... I do.
Sep 2023 · 29
Bloom or not to bloom
Nellie 55 Sep 2023
His nightmares belong to no privacy like here you go y'all can have it. I've trusted the wrong now I'm talking to the world it's like hate hacked it. But for real tho, I'm drunk and depressed bro. The one time I open, it's like the bottle caved on in. Hope so high, lightning struck, it's a storm but apparently it's tough love. Not much to say
"stay strong"
You've got this! Happens to the best of us, but time will bring happiness!
***** I don't wanna stay strong and wait for happiness. I just want to be me, be happy to suffer mentally. Like the real ones! one day it'll be more than enough. I bet the world fell before it rose up. Blooming like the rest of us.
Sep 2023 · 34
Nellie 55 Sep 2023
Always on the move, honestly still have no idea what to do. But time is due, I've always felt so used. But then I can't decide for myself, always in a battle and I forget to take care of my health.
I can't hear myself right now.
I'm battling the world when I should be at peace.
Okay, I'm fine. In fact I'm too well.
But I can't decide for myself, I'm not picky.
**** it just do it with me.
No wait... I just want to be by myself
(I don't want to be lonely)
I can't make up mind. I've got places to be and I'm running out of time. Also people to support, I've got to rebuild us a stronger fort. But I'm doing just fine.
Sep 2023 · 41
Nellie 55 Sep 2023
Lost another from home, lately I feel like I'm a be more alone. Due time the fear of getting closer, I don't want to be sober. Wish they didn't leave the family tree where the branch broke, now the branch is in the dirt. Hearing the news really ******* hurt.
Everyone here? I'm lost and I'm a have me a beer. Can't really hear, my mind isn't clear.
The drink isn't strong enough, you're just so ******* young! I'm a give this bottle of whiskey a good chug! You've always had my love! You were like my brother! You and the others! A happy broken family, I can't believe this **** we was always so happy! Wasn't much but it was real! Now I'm sipping whiskey ugly crying to deal.
It was you that took me in when no one gave a ****, it was you to cheer me up when I was down. I've always owed my world to you and all you wanted was my loyalty.
Sep 2023 · 55
Nellie 55 Sep 2023
I wouldn't trade love for the world, but I'd trade my world for love. A beautiful soul? I think my personality would be more than enough. I've beat myself up for the sake of mental health! Not once had I attempted to seek help. Sober today..... Gone tonight, I best put my self on do not disturb so I can avoid a fight. Had a girl once tell me I've got a beautiful crack in my smile, just a tad broken. Tender, love, and care should do the trick. Her being around was more than enough. Just like my broken smile she had left, left me with a frown. I guess I shouldn't allow anyone to pick me up when I'm down. Vulnerability stays open, I just refuse to allow ya ******* to see me broken.
Aug 2023 · 35
It's hope, hopefully.
Nellie 55 Aug 2023
I apologize for taking forever, to be honest I'm just trying to puzzle others back together. I'm forgetting my mental health can't take any longer, I'm forgetting simple tasks and I've stored **** in my locker. Hours of contemplating with concern got me to drown deeper in water, it got cold but it burns as if it got hotter. They'll never get the chance to comprehend my feelings because not one but most forget to pay attention. Especially when I'm expressing my words with passion. But depression for them had to happen. It's no different than talking to my pillow because when I'm depressed I lie down too. Faith in my ears for others for me to listen too. My lips go through the motion but not a sound left, now I've got no idea what to do. It's a far road to one's heaven, but it's closer to a loved ones hell. Suicide is everyone's option, but there's always some sort of help. I wish the losing streak wouldn't belong to mental health. If I've got to be there I'll be the last one to know, because I'm mentally afraid of having to be at another funeral. Please just call, it's not worth leaving this planet. You've got my love and now my attentions are woken up here ya go you can have it.
Nellie 55 Aug 2023
**** never works, I've been choked up I forgot how to use my words. I swear I've been bad luck since birth, probably will continue til I'm under the dirt. But I swear I've got some worth! I don't compare or compete my trauma from his or hers from better or worse. This isn't a race nor a challenge. I swear to God I'd help one in need. But for **** sakes I forgot how to feel complete. Just ******* lonely in all honesty. Last thing that never happened was some false hope, now I'm alone. Fat and broke. Just enough to get by, the last one I liked asked for every cent. But my attention had to be spent. I said no more and blocked the witch, I'm no one's ATM nor anyone's *****. If I'm being honest I'd rather have be alone, beats having a fake. It's just a shame there is so much potential, I just want to rise with someone and feel special. Maybe even.... one day be successful.
Jul 2023 · 56
Silent but loud thoughts
Nellie 55 Jul 2023
Darling your silence is so loud, blood shot eyes screaming "I'm fine"
I've noticed the shattered pieces & from the looks of it you're puzzled. Wish you the best, I hope you get some food in you & hope you get a days rest. I'll pick you up, I'll make sure you're alright my love. I can't save you but I can struggle with you. I won't leave you, I will atleast help you see things through. Take a breath, take a moment. You're overwhelmed & your sanity is pleading for peace. Wish you were safer & you didn't lose your lease. I'll be up in the stands rooting for you because I know you've got this. I just hate to see you in this dark place. I'd be there for you to help you dry the tears rolling down your face. You'll get there, you'll not be okay for a minute... but you won't live in that dark place.
Jul 2023 · 67
Not a bank or ATM
Nellie 55 Jul 2023
I'm a man, I'm a good man.
This is what I don't understand....
I'm not the best, but I'll be the best you'll ever have. I'll always kiss the scars on your back. But this is what I don't get...
I'm a man not a bank. I'm trying to date. But lately I feel like your ATM, why must I pay for a smile or a compliment. But get degraded and unhuman when I say no. **** man, why must I become the ghost. Rest in peace the dating life. It's not like I can help every broke girl. I am just trying to be that man but not that loan. Might as well stay alone. Because now my motivations in the negatives.
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