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Nathan Striegel Sep 2014
My dream is to sail the open seas
And the lands void of trees.
To see the open world under the night sky
Without any trouble. For this I will try
My hardest to achieve. To dream
In tandem with reality and have no seam.
Only pure life, love, and freedom to sail.
Freedom to go wherever I want on this trail,
This path known as me.
I shall not simply be just to be.
To just live and die is no life at all,
No adventure or fun. I would simply stall
Until I have lost myself through and through.
That life is for all but a few.
I am one of those to choose to do more
And never settle this score
With the beast called life.
I will run through all of my strife,
All of my pain, all of my hurt.
With my own death, I will flirt
Until it obeys me with no end.
Its will is my own to break and to bend.
Then when all has been done
And I have won.
I will look back, and see all those
Who looked upon me and chose
To stay.
To just sit there and lay
Until they are only my past,
Nothing that will ever last
But a few fleeting moments of time
As I push ahead. I have atoned for my crime
And am ready to go. To go and go
and never to slow.
This is who I am. A dream, with no limit,
No end, no one can stop it.
So until I have spent my final day.
My path is clear, my way
Is true. I have never believed in luck,
All it did was get me stuck.
My name,
Is one with so little fame,
So little praise.
Yet it always comes with a simple true phrase.
Live, you are only alive for a time.
Nathan Striegel Aug 2014
I once heard in a song.
You are what you love, not who loves you.
So I'll tell you who I am. Honest and true.

I am the sky.
I am the wings that let you fly.
I am a breeze on a hot day.
I am a star in the milky way.
I am a light when all else is dark.
I am peace when chaos makes its mark.
I am the water on a sandy shore.
I am the love that comes with giving more.
I am the hope when all else is dire.
I am a story told around a fire.
I am the rain.
I am the soothing when you are in pain.

So now I'll ask you a question, asked only to a few.
Who are you?
Nathan Striegel Apr 2014
No matter who you are, or what you do.
Do what you want, become who you want
and let nothing stop you from dreaming.
Let nothing prevent you from being you.

You should love someone for who they are,
spend as much time with them as you can
and never stop loving them. Never give
them up. Never stray too far.

Time keeps turning and life doesn't stop.
Nothing slows down for any one man,
for anything at all. So I have decided
not to pick the first thing in the shop.

I will spend my life on my love
and give them their desires. That way
I feel even more fulfilled than
if I was alone. A lonely dove.

So I say it once again my dear,
You have nothing to fear.
Nathan Striegel Mar 2014
A thousand miles of land to see
And I stay right here. The place for me
is where I call home.
This world has plenty of places to roam
But there is no fulfillment there.
Nothing but pointless cheer.
So I instead look to the skies
Where man can tell no lies.
There is beauty abound
And lovely sound.
After the skies, I sail the seas
Where man does as he please.
The ocean has no end
Or any curves to bend
In its deep blue grace.
In the end the best thing, is the embrace
of that which I call sweet.
Not even the biggest fleet
Or a thousand armies could hold
Back this body of mine.  I fold
For no one. So I tell you
my dearest, one thing true.
What is lost can always be found,
And I'll always come back to you.
Nathan Striegel Mar 2014
Small, gentle waves
That flow on for seemingly
Endless space.
Almost as though they
Are a ripple in time,
A break in reality.
A phenomenon
That describes the world
Through a single drop.
A single drop of the most
Abundant object
Of the planet.
A simple droplet of
Nathan Striegel Jan 2014
I saw you standing there all crying all alone
The tyrant in your life that you could not dethrone
When did you become such a poor lost soul
When did you lose all control
I see it as an old lost tale
One that repeats silently beneath the veil
From the depths of hell you came
Into this never ending repeat frame
You never really ever understood
Why people didn't try when they could
You hated to see them make a wrong choice
And forever they will lay without a voice
You tried to reach out with love
All you received was a push and a shove
This world it doesn't care
About what is right and what is fair
Those are meaningless things in this day and age
Everyone is filled with greed, lust, and rage
So we will forever just sit here and burn
Waiting on the final return
The day we that we leave this life
Get away from all of our strife
You are a fool deep down inside
You don't even know with who to confide
No matter what is going on inside your head
Remember that when you lay down in bed
Being alive is privilege and a gift
Denied to many as they fall into the rift
I don't care about your past
It doesn't start you in last
But who you are today
That is how you should determine your way
Look around and see who you are
And you'll see me standing from afar
Waiting for you give it your all
When you plunge under and take the fall
That is when I shall take your pain
And make it into my own gain
I will drag you down straight back to hell
And remind you of the pain when you fell
Forever and ever will I torment your soul
In a deep dark never ending hole
So go ahead and cry
I won't tell you another lie
No one will hear
No one will tear
This is your last story
Where are those blazes of glory?
Nathan Striegel Jan 2014
Now that I give it some thought. There are only 2 things in the world that I really want.
The world is beautiful. Even though it is filled with tears, pain, and sadness. You can do anything you want to do. Become whomever you want to be. Go as fast as your feet will carry you, go as far as the sea will take you, fly as high as the winds will blow you, or soar the infinitely fast space that we have yet to master. The only limits are the ones we set on ourselves. The first thing that I really want. Is to do anything I could possible do, taste every flavor that ever existed, see every wonder that this place has to offer. To experience this world in its entirety and never slow down. That is only the first thing that I want. The second. The second is something far more beautiful. Far more interesting. And something that I could never tire of. Something that will never fail to cheer me up. And this second thing can be summed up in a single word. A single yet very simple word. One of the most elegant words to ever exist. This word cannot be replaced by anything that has ever existed. Nothing is more valuable to me than this very word. This word you ask? Oh you know what this word is. Deep down in your heart. You already know what I am talking about. All you have to do is close your eyes. Reach into that heart that you call your own. And see what I am talking about. What I want, more than the world itself and everything on it. Well, almost everything. Because that word also exists on this world. I guess that now I should confirm what you already know. The word. This very simple and elegant word. Is You. Yes, that is right. You. The person reading this right now. You. And maybe after I have experienced the world. As well as having you in my arms. Maybe then. I'll only want one more thing. That thing. Can only be forever, at the side of the only thing I want more than the world. You.
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