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I was strange and we both knew it
A fickle heart and chameleon soul
Delirious, demented
A capricious firecracker
Fluctuating, erratic
A passing gust of wind
Tangible and alive between your fingers for a second
And gone the next
Dissolved, fleeing
I was strange
And we both knew it
soft blonde hair,
rosy pink lips.
calm family girl,
but what is this?
little blondie's exploring,
she gets home at 4 AM.
once an honor student,
now an average joe.
once an angel,
now a party animal.
little blondie's hooking up,
having fun.
little blondie's not little anymore,
she's grown up.
have you ever just stared
stared at someone you once took for granted.
someone who meant so much to you
but you couldn't see it yet.
and then everything happened
and the past became inevitable.
a dream only
because nothing could ever change.

 Feb 2014 Morgan Young
i broke your heart.
and again...
and again.
i broke your heart so shamelessly
and you took it like a man
and you cursed my name.
i came back
and you didn't let your heart sing
you didn't let your heart feel it
not for awhile.
but when you let me in,
god, did you let me in.
your trust was intoxicating
and i took full advantage.
but it was never love.
that was long gone,
lost so many winters ago.
i said goodbye
stiff-backed and determined, and
you waited 'til i turned my back
to wipe your tears away
because you have a silent pride
that i can never touch.
i know you would answer
if i came back again
and that is why
i never will.
because i know you would answer
and i know that i would leave
 Feb 2014 Morgan Young
are you
or are you not?
who really
 Feb 2014 Morgan Young
Used to think we'd be nothing more than innocent friends, now I gaze in your eyes when I wanna take a trip to the stars, and when I need a fix, I dial your digits and you give me it, the butterflies flutter and I wonder, how would life be if you weren't soothing me to sleep, or hugging me tightly until my sadness didn't seem to exist?
I really like this one. I like writing about him, I like him a lot. My everything.
 Feb 2014 Morgan Young
 Feb 2014 Morgan Young
fanbases are competitive
their insults are repetitive
hatred never stops
compassion doesn't seem to exist
music doesn't seem to matter
as long as fans of artists
are battling each other
music is supposed
to bring peace
not start pathetic wars
what has become of us?
we're not music lovers
we are hatred followers

spread love, not hate
it's not too much to ask
Ranting and writing because I'm sick and tired of people talking **** about the ones in the music industry. Pretty much a poetic rant.
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