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Millions before you lived through heartbreak.
They wait for you in the ether, hoping you find wisdom enough to acknowledge their pain as equal to your own.
November 17 2012
I pray thee leave, love me no more,
Call home the heart you gave me.
I but in vain that saint adore
That can, but will not, save me:
These poor half-kisses **** me quite;
Was ever man thus served?
Amidst an ocean of delight
For pleasure to be starved.

Show me no more those snowy *******
With azure riverets branched,
Where whilst mine eye with plenty feasts,
Yet is my thirst not stanched.
O Tantalus, thy pains ne'er tell,
By me thou art prevented:
'Tis nothing to be plagued in hell,
But thus in heaven tormented.

Clip me no more in those dear arms,
Nor thy life's comfort call me;
O, these are but too powerful charms,
And do but more enthral me.
But see how patient I am grown,
In all this coil about thee;
Come, nice thing, let my heart alone,
I cannot live without thee!
I want mornings filled with lovely thoughts and sweet coffee, with you by my side and hope for the new day.
I want long nights with the moon at its peak, stars falling for us, teeming with the uncontrollable laughter of all our best friends.
I want my life to be an endless vacation, with beauty in everything I see.
L.D. 3/17
 Mar 2013 Montrose McKibbin
Pity to those without beat, to the vampires that **** your soul
Wrap it up in their own vain wishes, and sell it to the famished narcissists.

Sorrow to those without flame, those who feed on your failure
Put pessimism on their pedestal, and lust only for a gateway to supremacy.

Indifference to those without serenity, to the destroyers of dreams and goals
Who forge a storm with no calm at its end, and find comfort in a bed of selfish thorns.

But empathy to those with compassion, who have survived the grips of the villains
Still lost but free of ignorance, with humble souls capable of painting happy endings.
I glanced your way
You matched my gaze
A brief exchanged
Lingering close to the edge 
Of social awkwardness 
A brief convergence into your soul
For Unable to control am I 
That urge to discover 
Your very gemini 

You broke away 
From our ******* 
Refused those connections 
Scared of what could be 
Of a dalliance too lengthy
Oh, come to me in dreams, my love!
   I will not ask a dearer bliss;
Come with the starry beams, my love,
   And press mine eyelids with thy kiss.

’Twas thus, as ancient fables tell,
   Love visited a Grecian maid,
Till she disturbed the sacred spell,
   And woke to find her hopes betrayed.

But gentle sleep shall veil my sight,
   And Psyche’s lamp shall darkling be,
When, in the visions of the night,
   Thou dost renew thy vows to me.

Then come to me in dreams, my love,
   I will not ask a dearer bliss;
Come with the starry beams, my love,
   And press mine eyelids with thy kiss.
darker than the night above
the warm liquid
fills me
awakens me to the world around
Ebb and flow, back and forth;
A story six years told.
To and fro yet never settled;
This friendship's getting old.

He lies and teases all the night,
Though gentle is his heart.
She knows all this, but far too well,
And so decides to part.

He never gave her reason why,
But still he told her lie 'pon lie.
He chased her til the morning dawned,
And then the bird did fly.
February 2013
Why Damon, why, why, why so pressing?
The Heart you beg's not worth possessing:
Each Look, each Word, each Smile's affected,
And inward Charms are quite neglected:
Then scorn her, scorn her, foolish Swain,
And sigh no more, no more in vain.

Beauty's worthless, fading, flying;
Who would for Trifles think of dying?
Who for a Face, a Shape, wou'd languish,
And tell the Brooks, and Groves his Anguish,
Till she, till she thinks fit to prize him,
And all, and all beside despise him?

Fix, fix your Thoughts on what's inviting,
On what will never bear the slighting:
Wit and Virtue claim your Duty,
They're much more worth that Gold and Beauty:
To them, to them, your Heart resign,
And you'll no more, no more repine.
envelops me
in her musk and mystery
I surrender
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