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Maxine Rhue T Apr 2014
Scars last longer than *** does
but the thick scabs of injury
only remind me that I'm alive
While *** is a torture
Often a short lived peak in my existence
A faint taste of what satisfaction
May feel like if I were to
Love myself the way I love you
Maxine Rhue T Jan 2014
I'm so lonely i could *****
There's no one to talk to
Not for lack of trying
No one understands me
I wish I could sleep forever
I'd rather risk the nightmares that come
than the disappointment of having no one.
Maxine Rhue T Jan 2014
I feel like im collapsing
I wish he would've killed me
Instead of leaving me behind
Without the spine  to **** myself
Maxine Rhue T Dec 2013
If you had a feeling that something wasn't right
like you were being
abused, manipulated, and disrespected
all behind your back
by someone you love
what would you do?
Maxine Rhue T Dec 2013
Sorry will never be enough will it?
My humanity will never be enough
of a  reason to forgive.
© Maxine Rhue T  2013
Maxine Rhue T Dec 2013
I love you
Im sorry
I know that I make things hard
And that I often hurt you
I question your love so often
When you've given me no reason to
I'm not going to give reasons or excuses
for my behavior
I will only apologize
And hope that you'll still love me hereafter.
© Maxine Rhue T 2013
Maxine Rhue T Dec 2013
I suppose it is just a matter of time
Time for you to leave me
Time  for your goodbye
Time to say you're sorry
Forever was a lie
© Maxine Rhue T  2013
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