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Those guys
want the same thing
without work
without study
here we go again
buckle up
Eyes almost closed,
chewing mint gum
and sipping hot coffee
the road right before me
taking me nowhere
I have what it takes to steer it off the exit ramp
come get me god
I'm tired and going nowhere
let's talk
and stay up more tonight
You are the way
the only way
More like angelic charming
keep it up
That Lady
There are phases to looking at women on the street
Yes you see them before you see them
But then you look away
Afraid to to find out they don’t love you
Sneak a peek
Then look away
And deadly
Full of kindness
They know
They know the world you can’t find under that janus mask
World might collide
But that lady would be the dividing line
Sneak a second peek know it’s all over
You’re found out
But still shy
Now walk along strong
And un-humiliated
You know she will
Pour another drink
Seas of cans
An endless reminder
Coming in from the outside world
That you still can drown
On your own
And silent, waiting for a drought
You will die
And retirement is the goal before the end
A preliminary before dying
Doing things that should have been done
When younger
And more experienced
So let’s die together
Can to mouth
A good action
A well spent piece of time
Ill sum them all up
And write a
One day
The world will see itself from a third party view when I am done
It pays for this vision in quarters, nickels, and dimes
Looking everyday for slots in the earth to finger it's coins into
It gets old, she gets old, she gets tired, paying for piece of mind all the time
Watching farms fly and mushroom clouds of people continually miss them over
And over
Always melting all our faces away and keeping our hands rough
She gets tired of the difference, the chase, the neutrality, the sides to take
It’s seeing a vision with no context
Yes you see everything inside out
Don’t talk to anyone
Yes your right and everyone is wrong
She sees me in the bathroom at night staring at the mirror
Staring at myself from a third party view
I pay for it with beliefs, fairness, equality, color, driving my car
Every world is one that will not look past itself
Or through itself
We are our own planets
Pretending to be jumbled together in the galaxy
But we’re all alone
Looking at ourselves from third party views
There is a corner in my apartment where all the beer cans go
where I go when I'm through
with the day
out and about
an empty place for all the empty cans
and words I've placed in them
next to a window outside the bathroom
and I walk to the fridge every now and then
and notice them there for just a moment
just a moment
all it takes
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