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I want to be just like you
I want to talk
I want to walk
Like I'm in your shoes

Musty, rustic, dusty hutch
of this little girls wide eyes
Words seeping in like porous wood

Leaves on a forest floor
Dampened by her mother's words
If I should plunge from the trees
I'll land upon my mother's leaves

Sometimes they're first cold to the touch
and she just wants to stand and run
Away she dreams to fly,
to be held sacred in other's eyes

Yet something whispers,
Stay, stay, stay
No, no, no,
just go away

But the something re-emerges
to reach and hold
and tells of the promise
of warmth to cold

She lies on her gentle spine
and in sense enters like staining wine
it stays
it registers in her mind,
give her time, pay her in time

From where she lies,
How vast the blue to black, the sun to stars
Fantastic foyer,
screen the sky
Where are the wings
so I can fly back?
Back to the sky
How'd it fly so high?

She's down here
That's up there
Syncronize the hardware,
Hammer away
at building the wings

So by my hands
I'll find this way
up to the foyer,
the sky
the high sky
way up there.
The sun's rays permeate
the ever so tiny angular pores
of the cascading white
that shields the window pane
blows a cool blanketed, billowing wave

My glassy eyes adjust to light
so new yet so familiar
brings about such squared shapes
with jagged edges

Let me follow words
words to a warm, orange center
words to a core
words to my soul
shown like a film upon
a wrinkled screen
hazy, yet somehow clear to me

Wisps of wind travel through
the thin cracks exposed
swiftly shifting the white
so slight

It dances almost parallel
to the old glass
dusted with faint film
of a dried yesterday

Turn the body
adjust the mind
remember what has been

Turn over again,
perhaps again
until enough strength
is gained to begin

Tangled cerulean petals
toe by tiny toe
slightly frozen
kick them away to reach
what my feet know

Other days I question
if my knees will let me rise
sunny Sunday is quite different
because its sunrise
enables my limbs and
strengthens my bones
and deeper than that
awakens my soul

It moves me
to a movement to
create a page of script
and dwindling notes
fall upon my scalp
and like a leak in the ceiling
they drip

They seep through the bone
upon wispy strands and
knotted ends
fingers surf to straighten

What will be?
I question what will become of me

It's like we're born
into something cool and crisp
when an opportunity rests
potential lies next to me
lift the sheets to set it free

Turn the body
adjust the mind
think of what will be
Fingers stained green and blue
With oil paint
Almost as to taint and tempt

As the white streams down
Over the caverns of her hands
Wait as the last of it
Ends up back in the ground
Continue with your lack of plans

A free streak across a canvas
A quick glance over the sky
Initiates inspiration
As she shields her eyes

From the sun and its beating rays
Take a breath and gaze
She’s amazed at all the beauty
And is taken into song
Transforms it into art
As she hums along

Infusion into limbs
Engrained into her mind
She feels tremendous solace
In simply forming shapes from lines

Counting down the days
From the beginning of a year
Documenting in remembrance
To recall both joy and tears

Bike handlebars and fish
And shifting snow and sun
She thinks what will become of her
When all of this is done

She’ll study the mind
And dance through the days
As the last are just beyond
And on the rise
She’ll find the fear in the unknown
In which beauty is disguised

Splash the feeling on a sheet
And see what will become
Snap a photo
Blinded flash
She’s immersed in love

And life and everything
And what all of it means
She’s confused and unenthused
Yet simultaneously intrigued

Among the gifted
Swimming in a fountain
Of insecurity and time
Wrapped up in a blue, knit sweater
As to isolate the mind

To see it all, all of what this is
Through her almond eyes
Is to inspire a kaleidoscope
Of colors that flash across
A blank sky

Although intermittent
It all ties end to end
She’s up and down and back again

So fly girl, fly
I know you well
And your wings will be lined
With stories to tell

She’ll grow and change
Because she’s beautiful
In a way that’s all her own
Rooted deeply in a haven
Herself her home
These days are like a clock
They tick and they tock and
The ticking never seems to cease

A day will darken
A night will end
There’s always some sort of limit

A song around a fire
Or a laugh that hurts
In all the right places

Time tears it down
Time takes away a friendship
That grew so fast

Gone across a county
And into the woods
Faster than it was created

It wastes years away
And it’s all realized
When the air is warm
For the final time
And that new clock is ticking
For him to create a new path

I’m always chasing it
I’m so close
My fingertips are just barely reaching
A desperate reach
But no one
Will ever have the strength to stop it

Just one of the innumerable things
Here that is unattainable

But really, what is happy?
It seems to sit in a room
Amongst four friends
Then it abrubtly decides to slip out
Like a polite visitor
Staying only for a bit
A sign
It’s told us to stop

This clock has malicious intentions
It seems
It even drives happy away

It yells at the actor
Saying his final line
It screams at the singer
Grasping the neck of her guitar
Taking a heartfelt bow
It rushes a moment

But maybe rushing a moment
Isn’t all that bad
Perhaps it’s in the moments
You want to last forever

Time cuts them off
To frame them
And hang them on the wall
To show you how sweet
It actually was
How sweet it is here now
I have a lot of it
Not the roller coaster line kind

The I can’t wait
For my my body to drop,
my stomach to fall
For my hands to grip tightly
The the worn-down bar

For that, I can’t wait

But for you, I can
In fact I have
October will mark it all

I traced your path with my eyes
Footsteps printed,
Soft soil aside
Ordinary perhaps
But my ordinary
All mine ordinary
All mine,
You’re extraordinary

A mind shaken with such silence
A heart awakened by love’s loose ties,
Its violence

Wait and it’ll come
My thoughts a low hymn, a lull
Simply hummed

The hummingbird
It hovers
Hovers over that flower that is you
Sprinkled and moistened
By a light dew

This love is old but
You’re ever-new
Like you see it every spring
Yet still just as beautiful to you

I wait for the spring
Patience, there it is once more
Year after year, I shut tightly the door
Close it on harsh cold and
Bitter  wind
Push it away but forget it nevermore

Behind that door you reside
Do you wait for me on the other side?
Are you knocking?
If you are, make sure it’s heard
I have not the courage to open
If I’m unsure

Give me a sign
A state of mind
Kiss the air
Let me follow
Show me

Do you know me?
Do you want to?
I know I want you
All of you, every bit
Your bitter, your lovely,
Your severity, your lips

Why yearn for one,
Yearn for one for so long
I fumble at the answer,
The explanation too long
Or just too complex for a
Simple mind like mine to grasp

Crackle, spatter the paint
Across that darkened wall
Of light fate

Pouty lips, tell me so
For you I’ll let my heart grow
But how much more is it willing to expand?
It has beaten a million times,
A million more till you take my hand

Do with it what you please
Trail like that air left
From a fickle breeze
Of someone rushing to the end
When a swoosh is heard
And then it’s gone all at once
In one solitary instance

Maybe that’s why I wait
Cause like that air you might be gone
Too soon
Then what am I left to do?
The patient girl who waits for you
It’s commonplace way down here

We learn from the moment
We’re capable to comprehend
That not all is perennial
All has an inception and an end

The way a day shifts
From light to dark
The demise of an artist
And the last beat of a beating heart

A beautiful night that
You don’t want to forget
That moment you lose all ties
With a friend

The breath you breathe
Of the last of summer air
And the patterns of lace
Draped across a bride’s hair
We’re human so we’re afraid
Of something we don’t know
So we reach to an unnecessarily
Dark place just to find an answer
To what we’re looking for

Whatever’s beyond
Is beyond our capacity
So we must not search
For an answer
And that’s beauty enough
Isn’t it?

Stretch it out, stretch it wide
And slave away just to
Desperately find a miracle
To stay alive forever

But to live till two-hundred-and two
Is to suffer through something unnatural to you
There’s a reason this life
Has an expiration date
We mustn’t question
Because we’d waste away
A clock
That never ceases to tick
We have to take time to seize it

To clench that clock close to our hearts
And transform each and every experience
Into art

Once the paint on the canvas
Has all but dried
You, the painter will take a step back
To find
Astonishing beauty at the mere sight
And when you reach it
You’ll accept the fall of night

Pull out a book and read all night
And see how it changes you
Drive down a road that you’ve never been
And see where it leads you

Tell a story and change someone else
Give away the love you yearn for
And it’ll find its way back to you
Run across an open field
With no shoes and forget,
Just get caught up in the wind
Laugh until you find yourself
Curled up on the floor

Forget it all with the people
Who know you best,
Who pull you up
Everything will just finally make sense

It’s in the moments that are impossible
For one to repeat
That make the all of everything
So bittersweet

Don’t milk a miserable life
Just to say you’ve made it through
What’s it matter if they care?
You have to love and lose yourself in you
And hold the love you receive
Dear to everything you are
Authentic and inventive
Innovative is your art
One day everything that breathes now
Will cease to breathe again
So what can you do to change
The world to be remembered in the end?
I danced throughout a year
With grace and changing tides
With every passing minute
A new powerful surprise

With truth and revelations
And thoughts often subdued
I’ve learned to shift my values
And transform a mood

To question every month
Up until this hour
To take it day by day
And wonder how I had the power

To fake a smile and show my teeth
To people so untrue,
It infuses love into my bones
To know I now have you
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